Russia Economy Thread


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This same airline data now that few months for Tupolev operations. These are refurbished aircraft not new built and they operate to Mideast. Tu-214 will be close to 6.5 hours flight time based on range and avg speed.
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The engine for Ka-226 and Ansat is near certification. It will make Russia largest helicopter production in nearly all classes.
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Rostec handed over the first VK-650V engines for testing Ansat multi-purpose helicopters
VK-650V is the first Russian helicopter engine in the 650-750 hp power class. The power plant will replace foreign engines on Ansat and
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helicopters , and will also be used in other promising domestic and foreign helicopters with a take-off weight of up to 4 tons. Compared to foreign analogues, the VK-650V will have greater take-off power and better specific characteristics.

This Russian nuclear energy export capacity. India is the largest.
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The most accurate domestic quantum processor has been launched in Russia​

06.25.2024 [19:07], Vladimir Fetisov
According to available data, the accuracy of executing simple single-qubit algorithms on the new device was 99.76%, and more complex two-qubit algorithms were 99.11%. The achieved results are a record for Russian science and are quite comparable with the best achievements of foreign developers. For example, the most modern IBM Torino 133 quantum processor with Heron R1 architecture shows an average accuracy of two-qubit operations of 99.14%, which is slightly better than the result of its Russian counterpart.
VNIIA scientific director Alexander Andriyash said that a team of researchers is developing and implementing a number of practically significant quantum algorithms that will speed up the process of solving important problems for physical modeling. “We have achieved a landmark result that we have been working towards for almost three years - from the development of an effective quantum algorithm to its launch on quantum hardware. As a result, we were convinced that our approach works and, moreover, paves the way to the creation of a practically useful computer. The plans include further improvement of already serial manufacturing technologies for quantum devices and an increase in the number of qubits with an increase in the accuracy of quantum operations ,” said Alexander Andriyash.
The scientist clarified that the presented development is a coprocessor for a classical computer. With its help, it will be possible to solve the most difficult subtasks for traditional microelectronics. It is also known that the chips were manufactured using the reproducible technology of the Scientific and Educational Center, which will allow developing the capacity of the already created computing complex, and will also make it possible to mass-produce new quantum computers focused on specific technical projects.


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Well in many fields in complex ship building Russia is really advanced. Like these Nuclear Ice Breakers whose systems can deal with extreme temperatures. or Russia have demonstrated Salvo launch of SLBMs and Cruise missiles from large and small subs. if population shift to Pacific. Than Russian Aircraft Carriers will become reality.
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Patrushev confirms that Russia is superior in the world in the field of shipbuilding​

in many types of products there are no analogues in the world. Our country is famous for its high-tech seagoing vessels of the transport and fishing fleet, equipment for oil and gas exploration on the continental shelf, and new large-tonnage ships,” Patrushev said in his congratulations on the Shipbuilding Day, which is celebrated on June 29.

Patrushev pointed out that additional measures are currently being taken to develop Russia's competencies in the field of industry in general.

It is noteworthy that the Russian United Shipbuilding Company recently announced that experts in Russia are working on a project to develop new civilian ships capable of sailing in the Arctic regions.

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5% is very high GDP when you are dealing with extreme weathers but on other hand Russia statistics under estimate Russia GDP relative to world standards.
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Putin said that Russian GDP growth in the first half of 2024 is expected to be "around 5%"​

I think it is not just Persian Gulf.
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This agreement sets the stage for Iran to import Russian gas and subsequently export it to neighbouring countries.

Climate change will make it attractive destination.
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Zakharova: Russian embassies are overwhelmed with requests to move to the country​

Russian embassies and consulates are overloaded with requests from people wanting to obtain visas, residence permits or assistance with moving to the country, said the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova at the SPBILF session “Protection of traditional values. Ours and others."

This yearly Scarlet sails Spb. The question is can built comparable size city on Sea of Japan. Thats where North Korea comes into picture.


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Two independent videos made by Americans living in Russia. There are things they say in common that I didn't expect.

One is the low price and the wholesome quality of the food produce.

Another is the efficiency of the banking and payments system.
We obviously still need to work hand in hand with the Russians in solving their legal and juridical issues. That said, the issues with corruption and oligarchy have been heavily curtailed after 2022.

As Russia improves, it is going to be a model for all European countries under China's world order. Clean, affordable, rich while still stably growing, heavily automated services, exporters of high quality resources. And owners of a signficant military might, if they show themselves able to handle the responsibility.

Russia making it to no4 economy is amazing news for them and for us alike. The progress is real and unstoppable, once the Russian people take their own fates in their hand and remove the western oligarch. It really is that simple. No more American, no more corruption, no more theft.


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Serial production of 65 nm processors should be established in Russia by 2028

In 2028, Zelenograd's Mikron, according to the government-approved industry development plan, should master serial production of microcircuits using 65 nm topology. Back in 2011, Mikron agreed with the European component manufacturer STmicroelectronics to master this process technology, but in 2014, due to sanctions, cooperation ceased. Experts note that even now, Mikron cannot do without supplies of foreign equipment; it will also have to master the production of 300 mm silicon wafers, which are needed for more modern processes and are not yet produced in Russia.
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Photo: Emin Dzhafarov, Kommersant
Photo: Emin Dzhafarov, Kommersant

A Kommersant source close to the government said that the authorities approved a plan for the development of electronics and microelectronics in the Russian Federation until 2030, and one of the target indicators for its implementation was the creation of serial production of microcircuits with a 65 nm topology by 2028. According to him, the main enterprise should be Mikron, which is part of the Element Group of Companies. Currently, Mikron JSC produces semiconductors using 180–90 nm topologies; this technology makes it possible to manufacture chips for transport cards, Internet of Things equipment, as well as a narrow range of general-purpose processors (global semiconductor plants, such as TSMC, have already mastered the 2 nm and lower topology).

The Ministry of Industry and Trade told Kommersant that the initiative is being worked out with the Element Group. “65 nm is used in the production of chips for bank and SIM cards, as well as a wide range of controllers, including for automotive electronics and the Internet of Things,” explained a representative of the ministry. The Element Group declined to comment.

Back in 2011, Mikron tried to master the production of 65 nm topology chips with the help of the Franco-Italian component manufacturer STmicroelectronics, says a source in the microelectronics market.

As part of the agreement, the foreign company was supposed to "clone" its production at the Mikron factory, but "after 2014, the cooperation ceased," the source said. In 2015, Vedomosti wrote that the owner of AFK Sistema (which controls the Element Group of Companies) Vladimir Yevtushenkov asked President Vladimir Putin to provide Mikron with a loan of 25 billion rubles to master 28 nm (at that time, 65 nm topology processors were not being mastered).

Baikal Electronics CEO Andrey Evdokimov said that their company is interested in developing such production. "65 nm processors can have a very wide range of applications depending on the available technological options, for example, they will allow us to completely cover the market's needs for microcontrollers," he says. MCST (which develops Elbrus processors) also expressed interest in the emergence of serial production using the 65 nm topology, noting that processors based on this topology can be used in laptops, personal computers, servers, etc.

MegaFon believes that the development of chip production in the country will make the market more competitive and reduce dependence on imported supplies. But another Kommersant source among operators added that 90 nm topology is sufficient for SIM cards. “The production of chips for SIM cards has not yet been established in the Russian Federation; only chip implantation and SIM card personalization are taking place,” he says.

According to Dmitry Kornachev, executive director of the automotive devices consortium, about 10-15% of auto electronics use controllers manufactured using 65 nm topology. "Currently, the bulk of such chips are imported from China; Russian components will be more expensive in the case of their mass production, but thanks to government subsidies and import substitution requirements, there will be demand for them," he believes.
However, a representative of the electronics manufacturer Fplus believes that the production of 65 nm processors is not capable of meeting the needs of complex equipment (servers, tablets and smartphones).

He emphasizes that the main difficulty for Mikron will be the purchase and delivery of equipment for lithography (printing processors) in 2028.

Currently, 65 nm chips are printed on 300 mm silicon wafers, which are not produced in the Russian Federation, notes Oleg Osipov, CEO of the manufacturer Beshtau: “In this regard, Mikron will have to either develop its own wafer production or purchase from foreign partners, but difficulties may arise due to sanctions.” Mr. Osipov also added that serial production of 65 nm chips requires a lot of qualified personnel, which is also in short supply in the Russian Federation.
Timofey Kornev


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That article conflates a bunch of stuff. Mikron's best process is 90nm on 200mm wafers. This is a process they licensed from STMicro.
Mikron developed the 65nm process on 200mm wafers by themselves. It uses multiple patterning lithography with KrF machines. They used it to produce test chips. But that is about it. The process seems to be defect prone. Part of the reason seems to be higher surface defect rate in 200mm wafers than 300mm wafers. They are just not made for 65nm.

The article states Russia does not yet produce 300mm silicon wafer substrates. Well they do not make 200mm silicon wafer substrates either. They just make them in 150mm. Larger than that and they need to be imported. There is state funding to solve this.

Russia will likely have a 28nm pilot fab before the decade is over. As is often the case Kommersant seems to be behind the curve here.


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At banks on parcels

Ozon faces payment difficulties in cross-border trade

Sellers and buyers on Ozon Global are complaining about difficulties in placing orders for large household appliances from China, where most of these products are imported to Russia. Ozon (MOEX:
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) cites Chinese banks, which have allegedly tightened the checks on counterparties trading with the Russian side. As a result, the cross-border online trade market, which is in the process of adapting to the recently introduced customs regulations, could once again come under pressure.

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Photo: Anton Novoderezhkin, Kommersant
Photo: Anton Novoderezhkin, Kommersant

Russian marketplaces and foreign sellers working on these platforms have encountered problems with the delivery of goods from China due to problems with mutual settlements, Ozon told Kommersant. They explained that starting in the spring of 2024, most foreign banks, including Chinese ones, have complicated the internal control procedures for counterparties sending products to the Russian Federation. The situation is aggravated by the ban on the use of the Financial Messaging System of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Russian analogue of the international SWIFT system, introduced by the European Union at the end of June this year (
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Ozon's comment came in response to complaints from sellers and buyers in specialized chats about the impossibility of ordering expensive electronics from China with delivery to the Russian Federation on Ozon Global, a division of the marketplace that deals with cross-border trade. The first to draw attention to this problem was the portal

More complicated transactions are just one of the reasons why expensive Chinese equipment has disappeared from Russian online platforms. Since April 2024, the duty-free import threshold for goods to Russia for individuals has been €200, although previously it was €1,000.

Against this backdrop, marketplaces and their sellers are adjusting their range of goods from abroad and focusing on delivering cheaper ones, Ozon says.

The change in the assortment of foreign sellers is most noticeable at Ozon, which has built a cross-border shelf (a display case for selling goods from abroad) better than Wildberries, where the number of such sellers is comparatively smaller, says Data Insight analyst Sergei Semko.

According to a Kommersant source in the online sales market, Wildberries and AliExpress also found themselves in a similar situation. Wildberries told Kommersant that they have not yet noticed a significant change in the range of goods from abroad, but they do not rule out that sellers will reorient themselves to cheaper items.
Wildberries says that consumers buy expensive goods abroad such as smartphones, laptops, game consoles and other electronics. But in June of this year, compared to March, sales of foreign electronics decreased by 16% due to the reduction of the duty-free import threshold, estimates Roman Khvaliun, Commercial Director of CDEK.Shopping.

AliExpress declined to comment.

In general, cross-border trade in different categories of goods on marketplaces shows different dynamics.

For example, according to Roman Khvalun, in June 2024, compared to March, sales of clothing and footwear increased by 7%, children's goods - by 32%, and the largest growth - almost doubled - was shown by furniture products. But, according to calculations by the Institute for the Development of Entrepreneurship and Economics, clothing and footwear from China and Turkey account for 28% and 5% of orders on Ozon and Wildberries, respectively, and electronics from China account for 69% of sales on these sites, analysts clarified.

In general, goods from abroad account for a significant volume of sales on marketplaces. In 2023, the volume of retail online import sales in Russia amounted to 174 million orders with a total value of 313 billion rubles, according to Data Insight. At the same time, the reduction of the duty-free import threshold made the work of those who order goods from abroad supposedly for personal use, and then sell them on online platforms, thus evading taxes, less profitable, notes Alexander Loginov, Director of the Personal Systems Department of OCS Distribution (a supplier of goods from abroad).


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Russia will likely have a 28nm pilot fab before the decade is over. As is often the case Kommersant seems to be behind the curve here.

Kommersant just publishes whatever people are talking about, they rarely do industry research beyond that.


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apart from avionics upgrade. they are going to introduce Composite and improve the Engine for Tu-214.
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In addition, Timofeev spoke about plans to use new Russian composite materials from Rosatom on
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, as well as to increase the thrust of the PS-90 engines. "The improvement will be in the context of improving noise characteristics and thrust - maybe we will add 500 kilograms," he promised.
According to government plans, four Tu-214s should be delivered in 2025, seven in 2026, and 17 a year later. Timofeev confirmed that 12 aircraft are currently in various states of readiness at current facilities.

"The assembly line is planned, it has been contracted. The task is to reach the production of 20 aircraft per year. More is not needed; we'll see later - anything is possible," he said. -

This 300mm memory fab they are implementing new technological tasks.
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Crocus Nanoelectronics LLC (Company) is a manufacturer of integrated circuits and electronic components on 300mm wafers with design standards of 90/65nm for the final production cycle. The Company's main products included magnetoresistive memory, integrated passive components, interposers (connectors) and magnetic sensors.

Until 2021, the Company provided technological process development services and manufacturing services for foreign and Russian companies.

At the end of 2021, the Company took part in a major technological project, transferring all production equipment and a unique technological team of Russian specialists to the project.

The Company is currently implementing a plan approved by the owners, which involves the fulfillment of certain business tasks. The Company expects to fulfill the indicators included in it.

The Company's condition is assessed by management as being capable of continuing uninterrupted operations until full integration into the new technological project.

Additional information will be disclosed after the conditions for restricting access to it have been lifted in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5 star hotels are now close to $1000 per night in Sochi. Saint Petersburg not much behind.

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A couple of vacationers paid almost a million rubles for staying at a Sochi hotel in June​

Russia is now classified high income country. but these income level does not take into account expenses or quality of life.
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