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probably some of ppl think Rome Total War is part of real history? :roll:
PiSigma said:rome was never able to truly conquer the middle east due to unrest and lack of troops to garrison it. and slaves shouldn't be counted into the population. once the slaves were removed, rome's numbers will go down a lot.
and who needs the roman concrete which is not very strong compared to modern concrete when china mass produce bricks that almost as strong as modern concrete (which means the bricks china produce is stronger than roman concrete). the arch is not used in military buildings.
romans had excellent seige weapons, so you are saying han china didn't?? because they also had great seige weapons, considering how obsessed with building city walls chinese people are. seige weapons are very important.
having a empire that covers large area of land means nothing in terms of military size, rome can't men from newly conquered areas, because they are not loyal to rome. the bulk of roman forces still comes from europe (italy, spain, greece, france) during the height of its power.
rome might of had better armor, but china had way better weapons, the materials for chinese swords are superior. han china was able to mass produce swords with pearlite interior with martinsite edges, giving it the flexibility and hardness/sharpness needed. and no matter how well the troops are armored, 1 guy can't take on 10 guys at the same time.
should ask gollevainen about this, he's a civil engg right?
There were some periods where Chinese technology was much more advanced than anywhere else in the world, but I don't think the Han dynasty is one of them. The Romans inherited the Greek knowledge of science and mathematics, which was the best in the world at the time. They also made some of their own inventions like concrete and the arch, which were not available in China until much later. The Romans had excellent seige weapons, and the average Roman legionare had much better armor than the average chinese soldier.
JZXT said:No, I don't think so.
You need to know high degree of math to build houses, structures, such as geometry, trigonometry, etc. Look at all the big buildings/palaces in existed in Han. China built arch bridges w/out any column support, and the Westerner tried and wanted to learn about its construction techniques.
RedBrigade said:There was a TV special long ago talking about Chinese structures. One amazed me was that many Chinese ancient building was built with no nails. It was chopped and perfectly fitted into each wooden gaps. And the houses lastest thousand of years without any problem. Even today you can't match that technology. BTW I am talking about huge palace built on no single nail.