Well-trained army could still get horroried when they meet unknown things. When Alexander's soldiers confronted Indian elephants,they feared,when Europeans met Mongol cavalries and weapons to siege,they got horrified,when American Indians warriors saw the Whites' horses and guns, they were terrified,when two A-bombs exploded,all the Japanese afraided.What about you when you found two strange creatures from an unknown planet having their picnic in your garden??Romans had never seen such powerful weapons(the crossbows) and such strong and fastmoving cavalries(stirrup was invented by Chinese) of Han Dynasty before they first met them,if hundreds of thousands of arrows are darting to them and followed are the thousands of fast-moving Han's cavalries with long spears and swords, I think withdraw becomes the best choice for the Romans
I think the crossbow is qualified to be called as "machine gun" in that period, with which Han's solidiers could easily kill lots of lots of Romans without losing any units.No romans could survive if they don't fall back when they confront the Chinese archers.Don't forget how the Polish cavalries were destroyed by the German tanks in WWⅡ. An advanced equipment to great extent can guarantee an army to win a war(Certainly a good tactics is quite important too).eg: Mongol horse in 13th centrury, guns and cannons in the wars between Whites and American Indians,atomic bomb in WW2...
An advanced weapon not only simply means a superiority in military affairs but also symbolizes a more powerful industry,a more advanced technology and a much superior productivity of a nation, that all together are indispensable for a nation to win a war.
Now I am talking about the battle effectiveness of both sides,not the strategy or tactics(Undoubtedly an army well armed without any tactics will be defeated,but we should also realized that an army without any weapons will still be destroyed easily even it has very very superior strategy,such as no clever infant whatsoever can defeat an adult ).Let 's focus on the issue that which would win if one Roman army confronts one Han's army. Evenif taking tactics and technology and other factors into account,in my opinion,Han will still win,for Han has "Sun Zi bing fa"which stand for superior strategies,crossbow,the most powerful cavalry,a large population ,a stable situation,great Gen. Huo Qubing, Wei Qing ,Li Guang and numerious soldiers,etc.
I think the crossbow is qualified to be called as "machine gun" in that period, with which Han's solidiers could easily kill lots of lots of Romans without losing any units.No romans could survive if they don't fall back when they confront the Chinese archers.Don't forget how the Polish cavalries were destroyed by the German tanks in WWⅡ. An advanced equipment to great extent can guarantee an army to win a war(Certainly a good tactics is quite important too).eg: Mongol horse in 13th centrury, guns and cannons in the wars between Whites and American Indians,atomic bomb in WW2...
An advanced weapon not only simply means a superiority in military affairs but also symbolizes a more powerful industry,a more advanced technology and a much superior productivity of a nation, that all together are indispensable for a nation to win a war.
Now I am talking about the battle effectiveness of both sides,not the strategy or tactics(Undoubtedly an army well armed without any tactics will be defeated,but we should also realized that an army without any weapons will still be destroyed easily even it has very very superior strategy,such as no clever infant whatsoever can defeat an adult ).Let 's focus on the issue that which would win if one Roman army confronts one Han's army. Evenif taking tactics and technology and other factors into account,in my opinion,Han will still win,for Han has "Sun Zi bing fa"which stand for superior strategies,crossbow,the most powerful cavalry,a large population ,a stable situation,great Gen. Huo Qubing, Wei Qing ,Li Guang and numerious soldiers,etc.
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