Chinese medicine is not science, in the same sense as western medicine. Once you try to understand it in the frame work of science, it sure looks crap. You need to understand Chinese medicine has it's own framework. In its own universe, it is a complete system, and works.
Basically, an illness is a symptom of systematic problems. Western medicine tries to understand and treat each problem individually; Chinese medicine believe that is crap. You can not treat a systematic problem individually, so you take the problems as a whole and treat it.
To the person who said Chinese medicine does not do surgeries. That is wrong information you got there. My great grand father and his brother were famous surgeons in traditional Chinese medicine and had patients from Japan, and performed surgeries on Pott's Disease in the late 30's. Before effective antibiotics were found, western doctors just bond the patient to the bed and try their luck.
Basically, an illness is a symptom of systematic problems. Western medicine tries to understand and treat each problem individually; Chinese medicine believe that is crap. You can not treat a systematic problem individually, so you take the problems as a whole and treat it.
To the person who said Chinese medicine does not do surgeries. That is wrong information you got there. My great grand father and his brother were famous surgeons in traditional Chinese medicine and had patients from Japan, and performed surgeries on Pott's Disease in the late 30's. Before effective antibiotics were found, western doctors just bond the patient to the bed and try their luck.
... with that said, on a scientific level, Chinese medicine is a complete mess. ...
I'm not totally discounting Chinese medicine. IMHO, if they want to develop Chinese medicine as a science, they need to totally scrap the current system and start anew.