Chinese medicine isn't crap, it's just that the useful stuff tends to get mixed up with the superstitions. Like this time I was having stomach troubles and went to see a TCM practitioner. The medicine he prescribed was very effective, but he insisted on reading my palm as part of his diagnosis...
I agree. On the application level, Chinese medicine works because it is a collection of all the experience and observation from all the practitioners. As I mentioned before, my dad had a surgery with only acupuncture as anesthesia. I personally would have no problem taking Chinese medicine, which I have done.
However, with that said, on a scientific level, Chinese medicine is a complete mess. Like you said, it is based on superstition and pseudo-science. The main foundation behind Chinese medicine is Qi and Jing Mai, which are similar to nervous system and circulatory system, but different. Until now, human anatomy, which is a very well developed field, cannot find any shred of evidence of Qi and JingMai.
Also, the efficacy of Chinese medicine is just like how you are saying it, based almost solely on personal testimony. "I got this illness and this formula cured it" We never hear the bad part of it. How many people could not be cured and how many actually got worse or even killed by this formula. The statistics is almost non-existent.
We all know about the placebo effect. No Chinese medicine has been tested via the double blinded system. How do we know that patients got better because of the actual effect of this formula or simply because of the placebo effect?
Until now, we have no idea what the active ingredient is each formula. It might contain thousands of chemicals, which might have opposite effect on things and counter each other. Once at a digestive disease conference, I saw a poster presentation on the topic of Chinese medicine. They were trying to use modern biochemistry to test a Chinese medicine formula. And they got weird and sometimes conflicting data. I asked them what was the active ingredient. And they said they didn't know, it could be thousands. So far, they could only identify about a hundred of them. I then asked them what the main ones that they have found were. They told me a couple chemicals. I was confused even more because some of those chemicals actually have opposite effect on cell signaling that they were testing. When I asked them about this, they looked as confused as I did... that tells you where Chinese medicine stands.
I'm not totally discounting Chinese medicine. IMHO, if they want to develop Chinese medicine as a science, they need to totally scrap the current system and start anew.