Severe thunderstorm in toronto, flooded highways/subways, power outages everywhere in the city. Almost lit my valentine candle...
Hey come on down, Honey Badger made a few pickles tonight, the garden is beautiful, cucumbers, peppers, green beans, cabbage, and onions, she fried up some cabbage, onions, and bacon, and wow, it was good, she's in a good mood tonight, half day at the bank, and she dropped me on the last hill this AM, I always blow her away on the small hills on our road bikes, so I have been encouraging her to shift down and spin up the hill, it must have finally soaked in, 14 miles this morning on our road bikes, well she cranked up on the last hill, I might have caught her, but it really was OK to let her win this round, cause the Honey Badger don't care! anyway, I wish all you guys were here, we actually had a few new potatoes and beans on the Fourth of July, oh and I forgot the zucchini's.. brat