Of course it is Stoney, just teasing, a lot depends on their diet and age, where they eat corn and soybeans, alfalfa,,,,,, just like whitetail deer YUMMY, YUMMY, just like fat cattle, too good.. where the diet is more lean, they tend to be tougher and gamier, and the older they get samo, samo..... but there are folks who with proper dressing and hanging, and cooling out the meat, that tends to allow it to break down into a much more palatable fair. They use to hang beef for up to 10 days to age it, what say you Bernard, he runs a Kansas City butchers???? anyway, he is the resident BEEF Dude~!
Now that mean bugger with the tusches, HE WILL BE TOUGH as nails, but that 12 Gauge Pole AXed him???? yes?????