Quantum computing thread


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The research groups of Pu Yunfei and Duan Luming of the Institute of Cross-Information realize ultra-large-scale multi-purpose quantum memory​

April 29th Recently, the research groups of Pu Yunfei and Duan Luming of the Institute of Cross-Information at Tsinghua University realized an ultra-large-scale multi-purpose quantum memory that can randomly access 1,000 optical qubits in a cold atom system.
Quantum memory is a key component for realizing distributed quantum computing, quantum communication network, and networked quantum precision measurement. Optical quantum memory with high fidelity, long storage life, multiple storage modes and random access functions is a necessary condition for realizing long-distance quantum relays and ultra-large-scale quantum computing networks. Quantum memories that can be used to process extremely large streams of optical qubits have not yet been realized.


In this research work, the research groups of Pu Yunfei and Duan Luming experimentally realized 72 optical quantum storage units (comparable in scale to the largest quantum computer at present), with a storage time of >500 microseconds (the time for photons to transmit in a 100km optical fiber), and 1000 Sub-optical qubit operations (an input sequence of 72 optical qubits can produce 72! different output sequences), which is nearly 100 times the previous world record of 12 times. On this basis, this work first demonstrated an optical quantum random read and write that is close to the random read and write memory (RAM) in a classical computer. In 1000 reads and writes, the average storage fidelity is 93(5)%.


In addition, this work also demonstrates the implementation of several data structures in classical information processing in quantum systems. Quantum queue, quantum stack and quantum buffer are implemented respectively. These implementations are helpful for expanding the tool library of quantum storage and for realizing larger-scale and more complex quantum systems in the future, such as quantum operating systems.


Finally, this work demonstrates the storage, synchronization, and exchange order output of four consecutive randomly generated pairs of entangled photons. This is crucial for the implementation of quantum relays and quantum routers.

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A team of Chinese scientists has accomplished the world's largest ion trap quantum simulation with a precision of single-qubit resolution, marking a significant leap forward in the pursuit for large-scale quantum computing capabilities..

A site-resolved two-dimensional quantum simulator with hundreds of trapped ions​

on May 30 that Duan Luming's research group at Tsinghua University/Hefei National Laboratory recently achieved stable confinement of a 512-ion two-dimensional array and coherent quantum manipulation and quantum simulation of 300 ion qubits.

This work has achieved the world's largest-scale multi-ion quantum simulation with single-point resolution , and is an important step in the large-scale research of ion trap quantum computing and simulation. The research paper on this achievement was published online in the international academic journal Nature on May 29.

According to reports, the ion trap system is considered to be one of the most promising physical systems for large-scale quantum simulation and quantum computing. In this work, the researchers used low-temperature integrated ion trap technology and two-dimensional ion array solutions to expand the number of ion quantum bits and improve the stability of the ion array, achieving stable trapping and sideband cooling of 512 ions for the first time, and achieving single-point resolvable quantum state measurement of 300 ions for the first time .

The researchers then used 300 ion qubits to realize quantum simulation of the long-range transverse field Ising model with adjustable coupling. On the one hand, the researchers prepared the ground state of the frustrated Ising model through quasi-adiabatic evolution, measured its qubit spatial correlation, and obtained the collective vibration mode information of the ions in the direction perpendicular to the plane, and compared and verified it with theoretical results; on the other hand, the researchers performed quantum simulation of the dynamic evolution of the model and quantum sampling of the final state, and verified through coarse-grained analysis that it gave a non-trivial probability distribution, which exceeded the direct simulation capability of classical computers .

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this seems very big development ..

Chinese scientists have made a major breakthrough in integrated quantum light sources: the line width of photon pairs has reached the atomic transition line level for the first time, and the brightness has set a new record​

on August 24 that the Shenzhen International Quantum Research Institute published news yesterday (August 23) , announcing that it has made important progress in the construction of integrated quantum light sources based on ultra-low-loss silicon nitride waveguides that can be mass-produced at industrial level.

Project Background​

Quantum information provides a new paradigm for the generation, transmission and processing of information that goes beyond classical methods, and is driving a new round of changes in human information society.

Photons are one of the most important carriers of quantum information because of their excellent quantum coherence and ability to effectively resist external environmental disturbances at room temperature. Based on the regulation of photons, people have confirmed the superiority of quantum computing and established an inter-city quantum communication network.

However, to date, large-scale optical quantum information processing systems have all been built based on free-space optics or fiber optics, and their scalability still faces major challenges.

In recent years, optical quantum information processing based on optical chips has gradually entered people's field of vision, and most of the related work is based on the most mainstream commercial silicon photonics platform. However, the loss of silicon waveguides exceeding 1 dB/cm seriously limits its ability to carry out "photon-level" experiments.


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Whether the statement is false or not, it's due time that Chinese academics realized the era of collaboration is over. The US is bent on a new Cold War and Chinese universities will need to adapt. Building up fundamental research capabilities, making China the center of ground breaking inventions, and building up a new system of competent partners is absolutely necessary.
The thing is - the export controls are simply part and parcel of breaking fundamental research capabilities in China. The US has leading positions in all kinds of scientific tool and precursor manufacturing - Agilent, ThermoFisher, Keysight, Sigma Aldrich, Millipore, Xylem, Waters Corp., etc - and so by harming the inputs used in Chinese scientific industry, they will cause reduced scientific productivity for years until China can catch up (even assuming China doesn’t get galapagosed).

For example, if you look at the instrumentation and materials used by Chinese chemistry labs, U.S. inputs are absolutely pervasive.
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The thing is - the export controls are simply part and parcel of breaking fundamental research capabilities in China. The US has leading positions in all kinds of scientific tool and precursor manufacturing - Agilent, ThermoFisher, Keysight, Sigma Aldrich, Millipore, Xylem, Waters Corp., etc - and so by harming the inputs used in Chinese scientific industry, they will cause reduced scientific productivity for years until China can catch up (even assuming China doesn’t get galapagosed).

For example, if you look at the instrumentation and materials used by Chinese chemistry labs, U.S. inputs are absolutely pervasive.
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Can all be substituted with Chinese or Japanese products. Japan is an open supplier, even selling to the Soviets historically. Japanese example: Shimadzu

Chinese suppliers are basically held back solely by market momentum, just as you saw with the semiconductor sector, not any technical issues.

Simple example: United Imaging which makes full body MRI, one of the most complex scientific instruments in the world with complexity on par with jet engines and supercomputers. Now one of the largest MRI suppliers in the world.

Commercially available scientific instruments are also not on the cutting edge - those are custom built as one of a kind tools. They're for QC or process analytics. And for those, many non-technical features are considered ie service and price.