Power Armor?


Registered Member
That’s a 200 round box on Comrade’s Minimi.
Comrade Exosoldier better hope they are all lined up just in front of his barrel. Take a second look at Comrade’s wrist then the weapon. That weapon comes in empty at 17 pounds. Add in a standard ammo load it’s pushing 20 pounds. Now notice his wrist his forearm? The upper body of the exoskeleton ends at the elbow so the 20 pounds is going on the wrist and maybe the sling but that’s basically restrictive on how he can move with it. He can’t support as his other hand is behind the shield. Even if the shield was shoulder mounted it would be awkward as hell to control the two keeping the shield in place and out of the stream of lead well keeping the weapon stabilized. Then aiming is out anyway as the riot visor is fine for keeping debris out of the face but not so much at looking down sights…
Basically he needs robot arms and some kind of AI control for them that knows what he needs before he does.
I think you're reading too much into it at this point.
It's just a private company. Someone posted an ad from the same company with these full mask guys, except for a lady soldier in the middle who is conveniently unmasked with full make up. I'm sure we can go on about how it's not really tactical to do that, lol.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
For the Powered exoskeleton, I don't think it will become model equipment like the smartphone in a short time. The Passive exoskeleton or Single joint powered exoskeleton has more potential.

In the aspect of technology, how to solve the battery life is a thorny problem. The current common power source
nothing outside of various lithium batteries. If the powered exoskeleton uses the plan of Disk-shape Brushless Motor (just an example, other better plans may be different), it usually uses a 20A system, and the motor need 24V. Optimistic assume that it keeps bearing weight, a motor will consume 2500mAh(15A24V)in 10min, at least four such motors are needed. Don't forget, the battery and motor also have weight. (Passive exoskeleton and Single joint powered exoskeleton are better in this problem)

In the aspect of the price-quality ratio, how to be better than a vehicle for machinal infantry. A pickup truck can transport an HMG or ATGM with ammo. Soldiers can put the types of equipment that have nothing to do with the facing fight on the vehicle. That is no doubt that a vehicle is more useful than everyone getting an expensive exoskeleton.

One might say that Powered exoskeleton can bring advantages in the mountain, woods, or urban warfare. It can come in handy where the vehicle can't access. More armor, more firepower, more hidden BluBluBlu......
PLA has a long history of light infantry fight and knows the importance of how to defeat the opponent on complex terrain. Powered exoskeleton can bring the asymmetric advantage but not the only way. The flesh is weak, human weakness can't be fixed with a patch. Rough born to solve the problem will only get the answer of The Type mouse tank or 6.8 mm bullet.


Honestly, I think powered exoskeleton is the precursor to powered armor. The only limitation right now is the power source.

Currently, it looks like powered exoskeleton is deployed in the field for logistic purposes. When battery technology advances, I believe we will start seeing them deployed on the frontline as range and endurance is improved. With further advancement in power source, the next logical step would be to give the operator more protection.

The interesting thing is that powered exoskeleton is being rolled out at the same time as drone warfare is taking off. Both benefit from improved battery performance. It's quite possible that in the future, we might see power armored soldiers operating as C&C for drone squadrons.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Honestly, I think powered exoskeleton is the precursor to powered armor. The only limitation right now is the power source.

Currently, it looks like powered exoskeleton is deployed in the field for logistic purposes. When battery technology advances, I believe we will start seeing them deployed on the frontline as range and endurance is improved. With further advancement in power source, the next logical step would be to give the operator more protection.

The interesting thing is that powered exoskeleton is being rolled out at the same time as drone warfare is taking off. Both benefit from improved battery performance. It's quite possible that in the future, we might see power armored soldiers operating as C&C for drone squadrons.
Your take reminds me of Fallout 4's power armor which is literally just armor attached to an exoskeleton. I think that is also the way things are going to go in the future.
