Facts in Wikipedia article on China's Yu-5 and U.S. Mark 46 torpedoes are verifiable
If you are keeping count, this is my fifth source for citations (e.g. Wikipedia, Federation of American Scientists, Jane's, SinoDefence, and U.S. General Accounting Office).
Let's try this again. U.S. sold Mark 46 torpedoes to China. China reverse-engineered the Mark 46 torpedo to create the Yu-5 torpedo. After gaining experience in reverse-engineering the Mark 46, China moved on to reverse-engineer the Mark 48 torpedo to create the Yu-6 heavyweight torpedo.
United States
General Accounting Office
Washington, D.C. 20548
National Security and
International Affairs Division
June 16,1998
The Honorable James Saxton
Chairman, Joint Economic Committee
United States Senate
Dear Mr. Chairman:
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GAO/NSIAD-98-176 China
Government-to -Government Sales
Department of Defense (DOD) under the Foreign Military Sales
Program and (2) commercial exports licensed by the State
Department, the majority of which were related to launches of
U.S.-origin satellites in China. All were authorized under
presidential waivers declaring the export to be in the national
interest or were specifically exempted from the sanctions under
the law.
In December 1992, President Bush issued a waiver stating that it
was in the national interest to allow the export of military
equipment in order to close out four government-to-government
military assistance programs that had been suspended by the
sanctions. The waiver stated that these deliveries would not
significantly contribute to China's military capability and
closing these cases would improve the prospects for gaining
further cooperation from China on nonproliferation issues. The
total value of these exports, shown in table 2, was about $36.3
Table 2: U.S. Government Exports of Munitions Items to China,
Dollars in millions
Program Purpose Deliveries
Peace Pearl (F-8 Provide modern avionics for Two modified
modernization) China's F-8 fighters F-8 fuselages,
four avionics
kits, and
related equipment
MK 46 Mod 2 Provide four torpedoes for Four torpedoes
torpedoes test and evaluation spares and related
purposes with ultimate test and maintenance
deployment on Chinese equipment
Navy ships and helicopters
Artillery locating Provide four AN/TPQ-37 Two AN/TPQ-37 radars,
radars Firefinder counter-artillery including parts and
radar systems support equipment a
Large-caliber Provide production Miscellaneous
artillery plant capability for large-caliber components b
artillery munitions
a Two of these radars had been shipped before the sanctions.
b Major equipment was shipped prior to the sanctions.
Source: DOD.
These programs were in various states of completion when U.S.
sanctions were imposed. No new government-to-government
agreements have been opened since 1990. No open or unfulfilled
agreements are now pending between the U.S. government and China
under the Foreign Military Sales Program. The equipment ending
these programs was delivered to China
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GAO/NSIAD-98-176 China
between 1993 and 1995.
It included four MK-46 Mod 2 torpedoes,
spare parts, maintenance, and test equipment. China's Navy was
to test the torpedoes for use on its ships and helicopters."