PLAN Refit/Modernization of Sovremenny
The Chinese have lately been seen modernizing some of their early modern vessels.
This has included both Type 052 Luhu class vessels, 112 Harbin and 113 Qingdao, and has also included the Type 051B, LUhai class, Shenzhen, 167.
Sovremenny, Hangzhou, 136, in Refit
Now we see one of the Sovremenny class destroyers in refit as well.
The Chinese bought four of the powerful multi-role Sovremenny destroyers from the Rusians in the 1990s and early 2000s. These are large (9,000 ton dis[placement) destroyers with very strong Anti-surface warfare, anti-submarine warfare, and anti-air warfare capabilities. The anti=air is limited in the most modern since since the vessels rely on mechanical radar and two single arm launcher for their missiles.
136 Hangzhou Commissioned: Dec 1999
137 Fuzhou Commissioned: Nov 2000
138 Taizhou 956EM Commissioned: November 2005
139 Ningbo 956EM Commissioned: Dec 2006
One of the weaknesses of these vesels, as well as the two Type 052B destoyers the PLAN built to accompany them (these are the Type 052B which use a different hull but have the same principle sensor and weapons fit as the Sovremenny vessesls) is that the vessels use non-Chinese weapons and sensors and are difficult to integrate into the many new modrn Chinese vessels which now use their own modern sensors and weapons.
So, similar to the way that 112, 113, 1nd 167 have been modernied, it is now clear that the Chinese are refitting the Sovremenny class to bring their weapons and sensor fit into line with the modern Chinese wepaons and sensors similar to those on these other vessels, as well as the Type 054A frigtaes.
Adding VLS to replace the Single Arm Launchers
They are replacing the single arm launchers for the 48 SA-N-12 SAMs with VLS units (which look to each be 24 cell units), one forward behind the main gin, and the other aft, behind the helo hanger. These VLS will launch Chinese HQ-9 SAMs or CJ-10 land attack cruise missiles, and there will be a total of 48 missiles available.
In addition, the eight Russian Moskit P-270 missiles have been removed and will likely be replaced with YJ-12 antiship missiles, which have a higher speed (Mach 3.5-4.0 vs. Mach 3.0) and greater range (400km vs. 250km).
Adding the new Chinese 130mm Gun
It looks like the Russian AK-130 dual barrel 130mm gun is going to be replaced by the new Chinese H/PJ-38 130mm gun turret used on the Type 052D destroyer. This gun has a longer range and is capable of firing precision guided munitions.