Junior Member
All these are modern war machines. Newest typical??
Not new, the latest being induced was 2006. Although they are not the latest warship, but they are not to be messed around with either.
All these are modern war machines. Newest typical??
Hi, PanAsian, I think Kashtans may be replaced by Type 1130's which has been set on PLA's new warships like Liaoning and new 054A?
Replacing the main armament and CIWS are mainly the reason which I speculated.
Its more sensible by replacing an ingenious weapon for simple maintenance and logistics handling. A PLAN's auxillary ship would have to carry the standard ammo for a Type 130 gun and CIWS ammo, instead of the extra ammo for Kashtan and old Russian twin 130mm gun.
I'm only catching up on this thread now... and what the heck, where have you read that the PLAN has 500 moskits???
GREAT pic that.Continues...
A typical Chinese VLS onboard a Type 054A FFG
If you like that pic, check out this video at 36:50GREAT pic that.
Continues from above...
Prof ZZZ explains the reason to sell Thai Navy the Chinese ships but later installed the US made MK 41 VLS. Prof ZZZ feels that as a military ally to US, the Thai Navy feels that it needs to incorporate US made systems into their Naresuan class. Sea sparrow missiles are common in US led NATO countries; hence one of the reasons is to enhance greater military co-operations between US and Thailand during their exercises.
Next cutscene is the usual history of the PLAN Sov. (I skip this part to 26:19). Hosts then asks Prof ZZZ how does he feel on foreign navies’ interested in PLAN Sovs. ZZZ answers that in his opinion, he thinks that PLAN should be proud of the attention given. Next the original intentions of buying the Sovs are shared.
Fifth cutscene shows the slowly obsolete-ness of a SOv as compared to the modern DDGs PLAN possessed. (I skip again as some of the questions and comments were shared previously, now to 33:39)
Prof ZZZ shares that the speculations on the 4 PLAN Sovs are deviated. Many fans think that a Sov is a multi-role vessel. People tend to relate Sovs as a Type 052D if they were to think a Sov is a multi-role ship. Prof ZZZ thinks its primary role will not change. He is more interested in knowing whether the Sovs would be fitted with land attack cruise missiles because he thinks that PLAN Sovs have the qualifications (spaces) to fit the cruise missiles if the VLS were to be refitted to the Sovs. Also this is an area of enhancement for the Sovs warships. However, he stresses that the primary role should be unchanged, rather to be upgraded to serve a better attack mission / role; the rest of the upgrades such as CIWS, AA missiles radars are enhancements to current setups.
Sixth cutscene shows some of the current ddgs being upgraded. Again this is covered. So I skip to 40:30.
When asked about his opinion on modernizing old warships to modernized warships, Prof ZZZ reckons that one should not solely focus on new equipment. It is good to have new equipment, but money talks ultimately. Upgrading is a method to modernize an old ship. He made a calculation on a country’s military strength / equipment distribution which includes US and Russia; providing a pyramid as a metaphor.
On top of the pyramid, is top military equipment which serves a country for less than 10 years is about 5% to 10% of the total country’s military . This sum is far lower than those on the bottom. This 5% to 10% are top equipment which is being covered by media. Those on the bottom of the pyramid are equipment which usually served the military for more than few decades, eg: B-52 & A-10, forms the base of the country’s strength. Those which are more than 10 years media usually not covered since they were once limelight of that nation.
Those equipment which sits in center of the pyramid forms the core of the country’s force, usually serves the country for 10 to 20 years. The PLAN Sovs are examples of such equipment. When modernized or upgraded, these group from the center of the pyramid in turn goes up to the top of the pyramid, again. The modernized weapon goes top again because of its enhancements and upgrades, it may not be an increased in quantity, but the quality of this equipment are enhanced. Prof ZZZ concludes by stating enhancements and upgrades are ways and means to boost an equipment’s strength.
No.136 Hangzhou firing its Sunburn missile
GREAT pic that.