Re: New base for the Type 094 subs?
Its not hard to design a VLS cruise missile. Its really a matter of wanting to. You would be trying to compensate for the vertical position in the fuel storage of the missile, as most air breathing missiles are designed to be rested either horizontally or in a canted angle.
For this reason, the Russian SSGNs like the Charlies, Yankee Notches and Oscars uses angled launchers that open up from the back. Later the Russians did mod the Granits or Bazalts into VLS, so they could fit them on the Kirov. Ditto the Klubs are also VLSed.
In this case, the sub was designed to fit the missile, not the other way around.
If this was the option, the PLAN SSGN would go for angled launchers like in the Oscars. Problem is, it won't support that many missiles.
If we go with option 2, which is to mod the missile for the sub, then we can VLS the missiles on the back of the sub.
Do note it is not necessary to do an Ohio SSGN style conversion. The reason why some Ohios were turned into SSGNs was because of the SALT treaties that limit the number of SSBNs. There were 18 subs, but after the treaty, only 12 is allowed. The remaining 6 had to be converted to something to make them useful. Some other SSBNs were not as lucky, like some of the British ones, which were turned into SSNs with their silos partly cement ballasted.
Since China does not have this situation, it can built an SSGN from scratch without converting an SSBN. But unlike the Soviets, which threw a lot of money into so many different classes of nuclear subs, you want to save costs by sticking to one design as much as possible. Hence you want to start with the 093/094 base.
So its not necessary to start by converting round JL-2 silos, when you can build the VLS holes outright. They can even assume the squared configuration. By this means you can get to pack more missiles into the sub than you would by converting SLBM silos.
Like the 688I class, you can another route which is to convert an existing SSN design by slightly lengthening it, and put the VLS tubes at the nose behind the bow. You may have to redesign the torpedo tubes to be offset and to the side though. Or put the launchers behind the sail, much like the Indian ATV or the Amur 950.