Some other developments at Meiji Island.
The northwest side of Mischief Reef as of January 8, has a 1,900 foot seawall and newly-constructed infrastructure including housing, an artificial turf parade grounds, cement plants, and docking facilities.
The reclaimed island at the southern end, as of January 8, showing a newly-built seawall on its north side and a completed dock. This island is quite big, almost the size of Huayang (Cuateron) Island.

The northwest side of Mischief Reef as of January 8, has a 1,900 foot seawall and newly-constructed infrastructure including housing, an artificial turf parade grounds, cement plants, and docking facilities.

The reclaimed island at the southern end, as of January 8, showing a newly-built seawall on its north side and a completed dock. This island is quite big, almost the size of Huayang (Cuateron) Island.