Photos taken on Jan 28 shows a batch of female soldiers on the Chinese supplying ship "Qiandaohu". Ten female soldiers (sailors) who follow the Chinese supplying ship "Qiandaohu" of the seventh escort flotilla sent by the Chinese Navy, are the first batch of female soldiers to perform the escort mission. [Photo/Xinhua]
Questions.. are all these "soldiers" officers? I've never know officers to pilot the helm in the USN. I'm sure it has happened.
And to me most PLAN photos looked very staged. Look at those women in their berthing. It is to neat and tidy. No family photos, personal momentos etc..Where are those sort of things? The berthing looks very Spartan.
Another thing the caption states that these women are the first to perform the escort mission. Really?..Well then what are the ladies in the below link doing??
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