This future PLAN frigate you describe sounds like a 054A, which is BTW far more AAW-capable than the Perry ever was, even when it had its Mk 13 launchers.
Well, that is because the 054A is a far newer ship, able to leverage new technologies like VLS, newer radar and guidance (compared to OHPs day). It is the benefit of being a newer generation.
And that is what I've been saying for 054As successor, that it too will feature the same degree of generational improvements we saw in previous generations of ship type replacement. The key point is that the relative difference (or rather, relative ratio) in capability between the FFG and its DDG big brothers should remain the same regardless of generation. And I think both 054A and OHP fit that trend.
I never said the 054B should skimp on AAW and ASuW, simply that I don't think it needs an advanced AAW suite. By advanced I mean anything significantly more capable than what the 054A has now. As far as ASuW goes, this is really a non-issue, since effective ASuW for PLAN ships essentially means a gun, some slant launchers and a datalink, all of which even the 056 has.
Right. Well in that case I suppose we differ in opinion as to what kind of AAW suite a future PLAN FFG needs.
Clearly I don't mean exactly the LCS. More AAW and more ASuW are probably universally desired for this platform. But the concept is sound IMO, i.e. less focus on the traditional warfare areas of AAW and ASuW (just not THAT much less), and more focus on the things larger ships don't need to be tasked to do, like ASW, minesweeping, recon, assault, etc.
Yeah, same response as above.
A 32-ship run is 'successful' in anybody's dictionary. On the other hand, credible capability, higher intensity, etc., these are terms with degrees of significance and different meanings to different people. Clearly you and I have different understandings of what constitutes credible air defense. That Hagel wants a beefier ship than the LCS is unambiguous. That he therefore wants a mini-Aegis is definitely questionable.
Well I don't think the USN wants a frigate with SPY-1Fs and masses of VLS. But I think 16-32VLS and a new generation medium range PAR (either active, passive, fixed or rotating) are probably on the cards.
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