Re: PLAN Type 056 Class OPV/Corvette
Good points but considering the 20 054As are less than 10 years old with the lead ship, we can easily expect a service life of 30 years with a mid-life refit in between. So if the 052Ds and 055s get built out, and if there is a cost efficient, enlarged 056B for first island chain ASW ops, why is there a need to design and build a 5000+ ton 054A successor frigate within the next 20 years? They can readily deploy those 20 054As to those medium threats or be part of that CSG where it can be the dedicated ASW or those anti-piracy patrols in SLOCs.
The role of the Perrys is going to be taken over by the Burkes, which personally seems a waste to me. When you do ASW you are towing a line in a very specific zigzag pattern at specific speeds depending on whether you're zigging or zagging, all of which means that should an enemy air raid become suddenly inbound to your location, you will likely have to break off your search pattern and assist the main AAW destroyer/cruiser to address the attacking force and leave your location vulnerable to a sneak attack by a sub, or continue performing ASW but leave that particular ship unable to maneuver and respond appropriately to the threat vector. Delegating this job to a smaller unit like a frigate that is primarily tasked for ASW seems to be a much better use of resources IMO. In a variation of one of the previous scenarios that I mentioned, you could perhaps have a 'standard' battle group consisting of 2 AAW ships (052C/D and/or 055) and 1 ASW frigate in the outer screen with an identical group in the inner screen. The 2 AAW ships in each screen would be completely free to space themselves out and maneuver as needed to respond to threats as they emerge while letting the frigate do the more tedious job of towing that line around.
An enlarged 056B for ASW may be on the cards, but it will still have the limitation of being a relatively short range ship. Not useful for blue water missions, which is where PLAN is headed.
Frigates OTOH are usually large enough to have blue water endurance, but small enough to be more affordable than DDGs and CGs, while able to haul armament and sensors to make it relevant both against low and medium tier threats and contributing to the overall firepower of a task group.
Good points but considering the 20 054As are less than 10 years old with the lead ship, we can easily expect a service life of 30 years with a mid-life refit in between. So if the 052Ds and 055s get built out, and if there is a cost efficient, enlarged 056B for first island chain ASW ops, why is there a need to design and build a 5000+ ton 054A successor frigate within the next 20 years? They can readily deploy those 20 054As to those medium threats or be part of that CSG where it can be the dedicated ASW or those anti-piracy patrols in SLOCs.