PLAN Future FFG design

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Re: PLAN Type 056 Class OPV/Corvette

Great discussion, too many replies to be addressing line by line so here are my counterpoints.

I don't think the 056 was only meant for SCS. Otherwise, we would not see units being assigned to ESF and NSF aside from the obvious SSF. No one is expecting a 056 to operate alongside a 052D as something being planned and routine. But if a fluid situation happens in a theater such as the ECS, it be wise to run a few exercises to practice such coordination.

I no longer see a need for a type 054A 5000+ ton successor beyond the first island chain. That can be accomplished with 052Ds, maybe even a 052E version. Of course, this is predicated on the notion that 052Ds will be continued in serial production alongside 055s. If you send a lone ship beyond the first island chain (during peacetime of course), it would make sense to have a vessel that's well rounded. A 052D can be configured for ASW operations as well, remember, it has the new universal VLS. Would it really be cheaper after R&D and new production costs for a type 054A successor vs continued serial production of 052Ds that could evolve to E versions but essentially the bulk of R&D costs already paying dividends? Plus, more 052Ds instead of a 5000+ ton medium threat frigate means more versatility for the overall fleet because any 052Ds dealing with medium threats can readily be redeployed for greater threats beyond. And the fleet maintenance cost is kept in check with less classes of vessels out there.

Within the first island chain, this is where I see a 056B version making more sense. I only threw out the idea of a trimaran because the 056 is more for littoral operations. Keeping a shallow draft is important. However, one could increase length and beam of ship to increase tonnage and keep draft in check. But I see more relevance with a 2000+ ton 056B derivative configured for ASW than a 5000+ ton frigate. There are air assets, land based assets, and other naval vessels to provide cover to a dedicated ASW 2000+ ton 056B within the first island chain. These vessels can be churned out quickly and cost efficiently. There already are export design models so R&D has already been partially covered.

There are no standardized terms for corvettes, frigates, destroyers. I don't see anything wrong with a navy consisting of destroyers and corvettes but no frigates. If anything, the USN has sorta moved along those lines. While budget doesn't appear to be an issue, I think it be wise to not go crazy on R&D dollars over more frigates. Those funds should rather be directed at a LHA program.
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Banned Idiot
Re: PLAN Type 056 Class OPV/Corvette

Again, 056 lacks the range and endurance for blue water missions (whether they are against a lower intensity environment or a medium one).
I believe 056 was built deliberately with green water and SCS patrols in mind. It provides a naval presence in contested territory that shows PRC commitment to various territorial disputes, without having to bring in a potentially more inflammatory FFG or DDG, while keeping enough armament to keep other opposing ships out of its way (and to act as a "next step up" to protect Chinese Coast guard ships as well). Of course, another deterrence for other navies being more aggressive against 056s is the presence of PLAN and PLAAF in the background. 056 also serves the role as a more general green water OPV for guarding territorial waters and patrolling EEZs, and can act as a relevant defensive asset in home water littoral warfare (if combat ever reaches that range) by being a modern ship with datalinks and communications systems.
Right, I don't believe the 056 is intended to assist PLAN SAG's or CBG's in blue waters. This is largely a green water-only ship.

For blue water missions, where PLAN and PLAAF support are less assured, any ship operating alone or in a small group will need to be able to fend for themselves against an expected level of threat, either to win such an engagement and leave, or to survive such an engagement and limp back under friendly cover. I think that includes low to medium intensity air and surface threats, such as small scale air strike packages, small numbers of opposing medium weight warships as well as FACs.

(submarines will also be a threat, of course -- however any future frigate should have an emphasis on ASW anyway).
Yes, this is my main thrust. My prediction is that future PLAN frigates will likely be less generalist and more specialist, especially in ASW. ASW boiled down to its essence involves towing a line and embarking ASW helicopters. Really any blue water capable ship could do this, and it would allow the bigger ships the freedom to maneuver as needed and concentrate on prosecuting offensive or defensive measures against aerial threats. Of course this frigate would also be able to defend itself and possibly nearby ships against surface and aerial targets as well, but its primary role in a fleet would be ASW.

There are no standardized terms for corvettes, frigates, destroyers. I don't see anything wrong with a navy consisting of destroyers and corvettes but no frigates. If anything, the USN has sorta moved along those lines. While budget doesn't appear to be an issue, I think it be wise to not go crazy on R&D dollars over more frigates. Those funds should rather be directed at a LHA program.
The role of the Perrys is going to be taken over by the Burkes, which personally seems a waste to me. When you do ASW you are towing a line in a very specific zigzag pattern at specific speeds depending on whether you're zigging or zagging, all of which means that should an enemy air raid become suddenly inbound to your location, you will likely have to break off your search pattern and assist the main AAW destroyer/cruiser to address the attacking force and leave your location vulnerable to a sneak attack by a sub, or continue performing ASW but leave that particular ship unable to maneuver and respond appropriately to the threat vector. Delegating this job to a smaller unit like a frigate that is primarily tasked for ASW seems to be a much better use of resources IMO. In a variation of one of the previous scenarios that I mentioned, you could perhaps have a 'standard' battle group consisting of 2 AAW ships (052C/D and/or 055) and 1 ASW frigate in the outer screen with an identical group in the inner screen. The 2 AAW ships in each screen would be completely free to space themselves out and maneuver as needed to respond to threats as they emerge while letting the frigate do the more tedious job of towing that line around.


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Re: PLAN Type 056 Class OPV/Corvette

Great discussion, too many replies to be addressing line by line so here are my counterpoints.

I don't think the 056 was only meant for SCS. Otherwise, we would not see units being assigned to ESF and NSF aside from the obvious SSF. No one is expecting a 056 to operate alongside a 052D as something being planned and routine. But if a fluid situation happens in a theater such as the ECS, it be wise to run a few exercises to practice such coordination.

I didnt say it was only meant for SCS, i said SCS and green water. That is to say, 056 is not suitable for longer range missions.

I no longer see a need for a type 054A 5000+ ton successor beyond the first island chain. That can be accomplished with 052Ds, maybe even a 052E version. Of course, this is predicated on the notion that 052Ds will be continued in serial production alongside 055s. If you send a lone ship beyond the first island chain (during peacetime of course), it would make sense to have a vessel that's well rounded. A 052D can be configured for ASW operations as well, remember, it has the new universal VLS. Would it really be cheaper after R&D and new production costs for a type 054A successor vs continued serial production of 052Ds that could evolve to E versions but essentially the bulk of R&D costs already paying dividends? Plus, more 052Ds instead of a 5000+ ton medium threat frigate means more versatility for the overall fleet because any 052Ds dealing with medium threats can readily be redeployed for greater threats beyond. And the fleet maintenance cost is kept in check with less classes of vessels out there.

I think PLAN should not go down the route of USN and have only a fleet of DDGs (technically 055 and tico are considered CGs, but im being lazy). A smaller and cheaper frigate sized ship capable of blue water operations with systems for a low to medium intensity threat allows for overall greater fleet numbers and greater presence around the world, and if equipped with a good ASW suite, they can be risked against submarines whereas DDGs will not be.

Within the first island chain, this is where I see a 056B version making more sense. I only threw out the idea of a trimaran because the 056 is more for littoral operations. Keeping a shallow draft is important. However, one could increase length and beam of ship to increase tonnage and keep draft in check. But I see more relevance with a 2000+ ton 056B derivative configured for ASW than a 5000+ ton frigate. There are air assets, land based assets, and other naval vessels to provide cover to a dedicated ASW 2000+ ton 056B within the first island chain. These vessels can be churned out quickly and cost efficiently. There already are export design models so R&D has already been partially covered.

An enlarged 056B for ASW may be on the cards, but it will still have the limitation of being a relatively short range ship. Not useful for blue water missions, which is where PLAN is headed.
Frigates OTOH are usually large enough to have blue water endurance, but small enough to be more affordable than DDGs and CGs, while able to haul armament and sensors to make it relevant both against low and medium tier threats and contributing to the overall firepower of a task group.

There are no standardized terms for corvettes, frigates, destroyers. I don't see anything wrong with a navy consisting of destroyers and corvettes but no frigates. If anything, the USN has sorta moved along those lines. While budget doesn't appear to be an issue, I think it be wise to not go crazy on R&D dollars over more frigates. Those funds should rather be directed at a LHA program.

The thing is, such a navy will thus only have destroyers for blue water missions because the corvettes are too small.
That way you will be using destroyers for all of your blue water missions, and a good portion of those missions will not require DDGs in the first place. Many of PLANs future missions will be escorting its convoys, patrolling SLOCs, doing show the flag missions, where highly capable PARs and dozens upon dozens of VLS are simply unnecessary
That is where frigates come in. They are cheap enough to be produced in good number, big enough for long range missions, and capable enough to operate independently or in a small group of its own kind in low to medium intensity environments and able to contribute to a task group, and also is small enough to risk in an ASW role.

Whether one type of warship should be sacrificed for another type depends on the requirements of the navy. Personally i would be distraught if the PLAN did not develop a future frigate class, as they are the low-medium threat workhorse of navies. Obviously im not saying the PLAN should go all out and spend only on FFGs, but there needs to be a balance between their blue water capable ships between FFGs, DDGs, CVs, LHA/Ds, LPDs, and AORs. Corvettes will be relegated to patrols at or near home waters.

056 is called a corvette, but is also small enough to be considered an OPV.

The USN has discovered that a fleet of mostly Ticos and burkes is not very cost effective because they are often sending burkes to chase pirates whereas a frigate like OHP would be more than enough. Furthermore, in ASW operations, they will have to risk Ticos or Burkes to hunt down submarines, instead of using a far smaller and cheaper frigate that can also carry two helicopters and can be fit with a similar ASW suite.
The USN is now developing LCS and it has range and endurance of a frigate but lacks the armament of one.
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Re: PLAN Type 056 Class OPV/Corvette

I think we need to think in terms of what role each ship would fill in the PLAN. The bottom end is obviously going to be filled by the 056 for coastal patrol, dealing with low intensity situations, etc. As part of a blue water carrier battle group, the 055's place is obvious, primarily air defense, with some land attack and ASW capability thrown in, just like the Ticonderogas in the USN. The 052C/D will fill a role similar to the Burkes, also air defense but more ASW than the Ticos. A 055 and 052C/D in the outer defense zone, one doing ASW, the other protecting the ASW ship and providing early air defense. A 055 and 052C/D in the inner defense zone doing the same things. Where does this leave the 054A series? Presumably, a layer of medium range air defense in possibly either or both of the defense zones, and some backup ASW as needed. But either the 052C/D or the 055 could also easily provide medium range air defense for each other and for the carrier. The USN accomplishes this role with the Burkes and Ticos no problem. I would think the PLAN with ships of similar capability could also do this. As I mentioned earlier, I think the 054B could find niche roles in ASW or littoral combat, just as the Perry and LCS have, leaving the bigger ships to do more air defense and land attack. But simply as a smaller and less capable version of the 052C/D and 055 seems to me to be increasingly more irrelevant as the PLAN builds more and bigger ships. I can understand the PLAN needed the capability of this ship at a time when they still had mostly Ludas and Jianghus running around, but now this ship's usefulness is becoming less and less obvious to me.

I think everyone has valid points (that's one of the reasons this forum's great), some of which counter mine which is fine, so I am going to elaborate on why I stated what I did earlier.

I am guesstimating from the strategic level down. China is aiming to:
(A) dominate the waters within the first island chain,
(B) with forces to spare to secure or disrupt shipping lanes further afield even when facing first rate opponents.

It has the air power to contend (A).
It has the submarine force to contend (A).
The Type 056 is clearly meant to operate with these other elements to provide a solid defensive contention for (A).

Currently the 052s, 054s, Sovs, even 051s, and 053s are needed to provide sufficient offensive punch for objective (A). The 051s, 053H3s, and 054s are already obsolete, as far as I understand the Sovs are not fully C4/C3I networkable with other units and therefore are ineffective for objective (A), this leaves only the 052(all)s and 054As to be the needed effective offensive punchers. With sufficient numbers of the appropriate sub-types the 056s are the replacements for the 051s, 053H3s, and 054s in context (A), in addition to being powerful anti-sub and possibly mine-laying/hunting components. I have the suspicion that in wartime the 056 can be easily up-armed to 6-8 SSMs and/or 12-15 FL-3000s, not to mention built in their entirety en masse.

If the PLAN builds a Chinese LCS successor to the 054(A)s to put towards objective (A) then the 052(all)s and 054As will be freed up for objective (B), and possibly the Sovs as well. The 054(A)'s successor doesn't have to be a Chinese LCS but that concept makes sense for objective (A). It is also likely because the PLAN clearly imitates Western navies and the USN is building not just one, but two LCS types, and several Western navies are building or already have LCS-like types. I will also make the analogy of the 056 as to the J-10, the Chinese LCS as to the J-31; the low of a high-low mix of two generations. As with the J-31 (and J-20 and countless UAV designs), the fact that China does not have all the next gen components is not going to prevent it from cobbling together the best next gen platform it is capable of for both the 055 and the Chinese LCS.

The PLAN is building up their SSN force for (B).

It has the Liaoning to provide air power for (B), but that is it, assuming if they even get the Liaoning up and running at capacity. Therefore regardless of the Liaoning, they need all the 052C/Ds and 054As to provide air defense for objective (B). But first rate opponents will have just as powerful fleet defenses and probably better subs, which is where the 055 comes in to provide more anti-surface and anti-sub capabilities while also being able to hold its own in air-defense. To complete my analogy the 052C/Ds as to Chinese Flankers while the 055 as to J-20...

Just to immediately limit my analogy which is that major surface ships cost a lot more than fighters, the PLAN has fewer obsolete major surface ships as a proportion of their overall force than the PLAAF has obsolete fighters, yet the PLAN's current gen major surface ships have a relatively bigger performance gap with their competition than the PLAAF's current gen planes do with theirs, all of which are reasons why the PLAN would move on to the 055 and Chinese LCS instead of churning out more 052Ds and 054As.

I will concede that if more 052Ds are indeed churned out then there will be no or delayed Chinese LCS development as well as delayed or fewer eventual units of 055. If this happens I believe it will not only be a cost-based decision as others have said, but because China feels more immediately threatened than it lets on.

Boy! Writing this took a lot of focus late at night. I was about to go to bed but the momentum of the discussion was just too tempting. Hope you all read this and enjoy it, agreement or not. Good night!
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Lieutenant General
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Re: PLAN Type 056 Class OPV/Corvette

.Yes, this is my main thrust. My prediction is that future PLAN frigates will likely be less generalist and more specialist, especially in ASW. ASW boiled down to its essence involves towing a line and embarking ASW helicopters. Really any blue water capable ship could do this, and it would allow the bigger ships the freedom to maneuver as needed and concentrate on prosecuting offensive or defensive measures against aerial threats. Of course this frigate would also be able to defend itself and possibly nearby ships against surface and aerial targets as well, but its primary role in a fleet would be ASW.

Well, i suspect 054As of today can probably similarly specialist in an ASW role, as what you describe seems to relate more to the role of the ship during different types of operation rather than having or lacking specific capabilities.

But yes, i agree that a future frigate should place more emphasis on ASW than 054A, and so it may have a more "emphasised" ASW "capability" relative to its other subsystems (like sensors, armament, etc which will have also advanced in capability relative to 054A). Whether it is more specialized in the sense of operating only as an ASW ship depends on the mission in question, of course. And it will still be competent in anti air, anti surface domains and other typical missions of a warship like fire support, scouting, escort, etc.
I think overall we agree, but i think it was worth clarifying the fine print.


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Re: PLAN Type 056 Class OPV/Corvette

@ panasian,

The goal A can and must be fulfilled by both blue water and green water forces.

I do not think PLAN will develop an LCS successor to 054A — im not sure where you got that from.
They will almost certaimly develop a frigate successor to 054A, and it will be blue water capable.

Now, we should clarify that blue water ships can also be used in green water, whereas green water ships can only be used in green water. That is to say, for the PLAN to accomplish their goal A, then can draw on both smaller ships like 022 and 056, as well as FFGs and DDGs. The latter of course provide the heavy punch that deters opponents from making hostile moves against ships like 056 in the first place.
To accomplish goal B, they can only use FFGs, DDGs (along with SSNs, CVs, and amphibious assault ships).

But keep in mind the PLAN of the future will not permamently have all its blue water forces on patrol and only green water assets at home. They will always have blue water assets at homeports (half to a third, going by standard deployment/home rest ratios), and likely a good portion of them will also be assigned to a "home fleet" role as well. In fact, i doubt the PLAN will even have 1/3 of its blue water caspable ships on deployment at any one time even once it does have multiple CSGs and a fully modernized navy.

Also, it is incorrect to say that 053H3s, 054s, and sovremennys are "obsolete," and even more incorrect to say they cannot fulfill functions A (or ecen B). After all, they are all capable surface combatants in their own right, and even older communications systems can allow them to be effective when under the command of other ships.


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Re: PLAN Type 056 Class OPV/Corvette

Actually, id like to clarify what i think PLANs goals are

They are similar to panasian's, but with a twist.

A: domination of first island chain BUT ALSO being able to contest the waters in the western pacific against a highly capable foe in the western pacific, hopefully win (namely USN and its allies)
B: be able to defend its SLOCs and foreign economic interests and citizens against other state and non state actors, but not against USN in a meaningful way. I do not think the PLA will be able to seriously contest against US forces in blue water without land based support that a western pacific scenario provides, at least not in the forseeable future. The disparity in both forces, as well as foreign bases, and friendliness of neighbours (close to home threats) will mean the PLAN cannot seriously compete against USN on equal footing where land based support does not exist.

Mission B of course will only involve blue water ships. Destroyers, frigates, carriers, SSNs, oilers, amphibious assault ships

Mission A is a little more complex, and I think it needs to be divided into two sub missions:
Mission A1: to contest and assert PLAN territorial claims in the SCS. For this mission they can use 056s in the forseeable future (056 will also have the role of doing standard green water off shore patrolling), because most of the navies in SCS nations that china has disputes with are fairly weak, so china doesn't need to send frigates or destroyers there to back up China's claim (if anything, sending in large surface combatants to assert claims without reason may upset the present balance of patrolling ships there and lead to conflict, which china doesn't want). The parties that have disputes with china know if they fire upon 056s then it will be a full on fight with the full PLAN. If in the future SCS navies become more powerful, then china may have to send in more powerful combatants regularly on patrol, in which case mission A1 will amalgamate with mission A2 below
Mission A2: this is basically the contingency of fighting against a large, competent, technologically advanced enemy, and is the most difficult mission out of all three. It involves not only the PLAN, but PLAAF, PLAGF, 2nd artillery, and space forces. It can involve assets including but not limited to all the aforementioned blue water assets, and shorter range green water vessels. Green water vessels will naturally act as home defense for any small profile foes that leak through, supported by shorter range land based air power. Blue water vessels will act as a mobile armed force+scouting/sensor force+diversionary force that can both support land based air power and missile power in A2AD roles by providing sensor data, cueing, and increasing overall theater level saturation of assets, and can also engage enemy units and task groups (and of course they can also be supported by said land based air power and missile power like ASHBMs), and of course it has the important side effect (which can be considered a mission, if one wants) of forcing the enemy to allocate resources against the PLANs capable blue water forces, potentially weakening other areas of its defense that the PLA can exploit.

Of course, none of these are fool proof strategies.
For instance, using large blue water ships in a westpac area denial role may not be the most efficient use of resources (such as long range bombers, more ASHBMs, etc), however the PLAN has the mission of power projection on its list that it must fulfill as well, so it must make do with what it will have.

Also, note that using blue water ships in conjunction with the larger area denial infrastructure doesn't mean they will fight in blue water (I am just using "blue water ships" as a category name rather than the role they will play in such a scenario). More likely than not they will fight within the second island chain. However, being blue water vessels means they have endurance and range, so they won't have to worry about refuelling as much within the theatre of combat compared to smaller ships, which is definitely an advantage.
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Banned Idiot
Re: PLAN Type 056 Class OPV/Corvette

Well, i suspect 054As of today can probably similarly specialist in an ASW role, as what you describe seems to relate more to the role of the ship during different types of operation rather than having or lacking specific capabilities.

But yes, i agree that a future frigate should place more emphasis on ASW than 054A, and so it may have a more "emphasised" ASW "capability" relative to its other subsystems (like sensors, armament, etc which will have also advanced in capability relative to 054A). Whether it is more specialized in the sense of operating only as an ASW ship depends on the mission in question, of course. And it will still be competent in anti air, anti surface domains and other typical missions of a warship like fire support, scouting, escort, etc.
I think overall we agree, but i think it was worth clarifying the fine print.
I think the next frigate will emphasis ASW to a greater extent and also at the same time not significantly upgrade its AAW or ASuW capability. That is, I don't think we will see a 4-panel X-band radar, enhanced combat data system, or expanded AAW missile capacity. IMO it will have a similar level of technology and capability to defend itself against aerial threats compared to the 054A, but its ASW capability will be dramatically enhanced.


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Re: PLAN Type 056 Class OPV/Corvette

I think the next frigate will emphasis ASW to a greater extent and also at the same time not significantly upgrade its AAW or ASuW capability. That is, I don't think we will see a 4-panel X-band radar, enhanced combat data system, or expanded AAW missile capacity. IMO it will have a similar level of technology and capability to defend itself against aerial threats compared to the 054A, but its ASW capability will be dramatically enhanced.

I see, okay I disagree on the idea that it won't have more modern (non ASW related) sensor and weapons systems.
But I agree its non ASW sensor and weapons systems will be of similar "capability".

For instance, I consider an X band AESA to be a good replacement in terms of overall brute "capability" compared to the sea eagle currently on 054As. An aesa radar will of course be more capable in a variety of ways that we are all familiar with, but its capability (range, I suppose if we want to use it to describe) will not increase compared to sea eagle.
It is a similar case for weapons.
I foresee a new generation of armament, including new VLS, but it will feature only the same number of VLS. Chances are it will carry mostly MRSAMs rather than LRSAMs and LACMs. Of course, quad packing of MRSAMs (e.g. DK-10) may provide a quantitative increase in capability — but that is one of the benefits of using the new VLS (quad packing may allow for reduction of VLS count, but I think that would be a poor choice seeing a 32 cell VLS is still much more flexible compared to an 8 cell VLS and there are many potential munitions that are not quad packable).

So in a way, I suppose what I am saying is that the next generation frigate's non ASW sensor and weapons will probably retain the same "magnitude" (or "range") as they do on 054A (although I expect it will have the option to field LRSAMs, LACMs, but probably won't carry it during most missions— they just have the option to), but can operate in their magnitude much better (higher "quality") compared to 054A, due to advancement in technology of relevant sensors and weapons that occupy the various magnitudes.

Combat data system (and EW, ELINT/SIGINT and other such subsystems) are likely to see a generational improvement as well, improving overall quality but not perhaps in magnitude.

And for ASW of course, I see a future frigate with a much increased capability compared to 054A in the sense it will hopefully have two helicopters, and have a much more capable sonar suite (the latter could be considered a qualitative increase rather than an increase in magnitude, but it can be both).

(I can't imagine an 054A successor using sea eagle and the old non universal hot launch VLS)
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Re: PLAN Type 056 Class OPV/Corvette

Actually, id like to clarify what i think PLANs goals are

They are similar to panasian's, but with a twist.

A: domination of first island chain BUT ALSO being able to contest the waters in the western pacific against a highly capable foe in the western pacific, hopefully win (namely USN and its allies)
B: be able to defend its SLOCs and foreign economic interests and citizens against other state and non state actors, but not against USN in a meaningful way. I do not think the PLA will be able to seriously contest against US forces in blue water without land based support that a western pacific scenario provides, at least not in the forseeable future. The disparity in both forces, as well as foreign bases, and friendliness of neighbours (close to home threats) will mean the PLAN cannot seriously compete against USN on equal footing where land based support does not exist.

Mission B of course will only involve blue water ships. Destroyers, frigates, carriers, SSNs, oilers, amphibious assault ships

Mission A is a little more complex, and I think it needs to be divided into two sub missions:
Mission A1: to contest and assert PLAN territorial claims in the SCS. For this mission they can use 056s in the forseeable future (056 will also have the role of doing standard green water off shore patrolling), because most of the navies in SCS nations that china has disputes with are fairly weak, so china doesn't need to send frigates or destroyers there to back up China's claim (if anything, sending in large surface combatants to assert claims without reason may upset the present balance of patrolling ships there and lead to conflict, which china doesn't want). The parties that have disputes with china know if they fire upon 056s then it will be a full on fight with the full PLAN. If in the future SCS navies become more powerful, then china may have to send in more powerful combatants regularly on patrol, in which case mission A1 will amalgamate with mission A2 below
Mission A2: this is basically the contingency of fighting against a large, competent, technologically advanced enemy, and is the most difficult mission out of all three. It involves not only the PLAN, but PLAAF, PLAGF, 2nd artillery, and space forces. It can involve assets including but not limited to all the aforementioned blue water assets, and shorter range green water vessels. Green water vessels will naturally act as home defense for any small profile foes that leak through, supported by shorter range land based air power. Blue water vessels will act as a mobile armed force+scouting/sensor force+diversionary force that can both support land based air power and missile power in A2AD roles by providing sensor data, cueing, and increasing overall theater level saturation of assets, and can also engage enemy units and task groups (and of course they can also be supported by said land based air power and missile power like ASHBMs), and of course it has the important side effect (which can be considered a mission, if one wants) of forcing the enemy to allocate resources against the PLANs capable blue water forces, potentially weakening other areas of its defense that the PLA can exploit.

Of course, none of these are fool proof strategies.
For instance, using large blue water ships in a westpac area denial role may not be the most efficient use of resources (such as long range bombers, more ASHBMs, etc), however the PLAN has the mission of power projection on its list that it must fulfill as well, so it must make do with what it will have.

Also, note that using blue water ships in conjunction with the larger area denial infrastructure doesn't mean they will fight in blue water (I am just using "blue water ships" as a category name rather than the role they will play in such a scenario). More likely than not they will fight within the second island chain. However, being blue water vessels means they have endurance and range, so they won't have to worry about refuelling as much within the theatre of combat compared to smaller ships, which is definitely an advantage.

Anticipating stronger SCS opponents, even more advanced ECS opponents with stronger ABM defenses, stealth fighters, and stand-off weapons is exactly why the PLAN will strive to build a Chinese LCS. The 056 and 022 barely cut it for defensive purposes with the support of other forces which is not guaranteed, a Chinese LCS fleet can provide enough offensive punch to be an effective deterrent.
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