Re: What will the 1st PLAN Carrier Air Wing look like?
Thanks Jeff ... but my question was more regarding how many of each type of aircraft or helicopter can we expect to be fielded:
- 2 regiments 12 aircraft each of J-15
- one mixed helicopter 'regiment' (not really) of say 2x4 Z-18ASW and Z-8YJ AEW types (maybe complemented by VIP transports)
- one of the same small units of Z-9 for SAR duties
- and later 2-4 dedicated AEW-fixed winf aircraft.
Or what's Your opinion ?
Cheers, Deino
Once the full air wing is comprised, I would say that with what we know right now, we could be looking at:
2 x Squadrons J-15 Flying Shark Strike Fighters (12 per squadron)
2 x Squadrons of Z-18/Z-9 ASW/SAR Helicopters (4 per squadron)
1 x Squadron Z-8YJ AEW Helicopters (4 per squadron)
That makes for 36 aircraft for their normal, peace time air wing. The could add another squadron of J-15s, or three more squadrons of helicopters if neccessary in any kind of crisis for a max air wing of 48 aircraft.
Later, years down the line, as they develop different aircraft (ie. a J-31 fighter/bomber, a two seat J-15 EW aircraft, a fixed wing STOL AEW aircraft, they will mix those squadrons in. But they do not have these arcraft in any kind testing or production yet, so I would wait on listing them.
Having said that, let's add some significant J-15 Eye Candy for the J-15 Flying Shark Strike Fighter portion of the airwing.
Here are pictures of the various J-15 aircraft we have seen so far:
J-15 Flying Shark Aircraft Number 552
J-15 Flying Shark Aircraft Number 553
J-15 Flying Shark Aircraft Number 554
J-15 Flying Shark Aircraft Number 555
J-15 Flying Shark Aircraft Number 556
J-15 Flying Shark Various Production Aircraft
We know that there are now at least ten J-15s flying...if not more. I look forward to the day, soon, when we see first four, then six or eight, and ultimnately a full squadron of twelve J-15s operating off of the Liaoning.