Re: PLAN Carrier Construction
most western LPHs using VSTOL (Harrier-) - planes, but China didn't have those planes. So they need light-weight fighters to do the same job. And to launch these fighters, they need catapult - and angled deck for landing ...
The US spent many years without Harriers on the Amphibious ships. The entire service life of the seven Iwo Jima Class LPHs, most of the service life of the five Taraw class LHAs. It was at the tail end of the Tarawa class and the entore life now of the Wasp Class (whiuch was specifically designed to operate the Harrier AV-8B) before the Harriers came into place.
The French do not have them, Russia does not have them (nor will they with their new Mistrals). Australia is not planning to. Korea does not. Japan does not with their Osumi Class which are their largest amphibiouis ships. And now, the Royal Navy does not. They all use helicopters to give ground support to their amphibious assault or air assault troops.
In fact, for Amphibious assault, really only the US and the UK used Harriees in that role.
The Italians had their Harries for a sea control role on a carrier outfitted for that. The Spanish did the same. Now both have build hybrid carriers that can do both roles (sea control and amphibious operations), and they did that because they could not afford to build both and wanted to maximize their flexability.
China has the money and the will to do the US...and I expect that is what they are going to do.
Their cats and attack fighters (fixed wing aircraft) will operate off of their true carriers.
It is possible to launch UAVs and even something like an OV-10 Bronco off of a straight deck amphib...and perhaps the Chinese will do someything like that, but I still rate that as an outside chance (except the UAVs).
I will predict, with almost 100% certainty, that they do not put cats on their amphibious assault ships. Their cats, when they finally get to them, will be on their carriers.
But that is just my opinion and as in all things, time will tell.