PLAN Carrier Strike Group and Airwing


VIP Professional
Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

Crobato, I'm an old H-3 driver. I know dipping sonar. You apparently know nothing. Ever flown an ASW exercise? Guess not. Even the old equipment in the SH-3 had a passive mode. But you didn't dip until you had a pretty good datum gained from your sonobuoy pattern. It takes some skill to fly a precise pattern over the ocean, carefully laying a pattern of sonobuoys in the water, while your SENSO listens carefully and watches his ( or her! ) waterfall display for interesting frequencies. After you have a good looking datum you or your partner, we worked in pairs, would put the dome in the water for a listen. You could get a bearing this way, and some sense of range from the intensity of the sound. Keep in mind these sonars only had a range of maybe 1 nm, newer sonars used in the MH-60 have far greater ranges ( actual figures are of course classified ) and a depth of some 1400 feet. You would dip several times, tag teaming the sub using passive means only ( though a good sub might hear your downwash on the surface, it would be very reluctant to put the pedal to the metal and run, they know that outrunning two helos is impossible and the resulting racket would draw in more helos like flies to a dung heap ) . So you patiently play the game until the crew thinks they are close enough to "go hammer" and light off the active sonar. Yes this gives the game away but by then it is too late for the sub. Now you have both bearing and range to your datum and your partner is on top streaming the MAD bird. If the MAD gives a positive indication it's topedos away. Btw, Mk-50 is fast enough and deep diving enough to take care of any Russian SSN, even an Akula. I'v been there son, you haven't. Two dipping sonar helos with crews who know their craft and that sub is gone.

Wow, looks like a very old system.

You still have not laid out how your sonobuoys cope with

-changes in temperature, acidity and salinity that creates boundary layers that block off echoes or creates distortions on the echoes.
-working in an environment that has a lot of other background noise. Like having thousands of it.
-When the sub is more than quiet enough to match the background noise.

Your description of this

"while your SENSO listens carefully and watches his ( or her! ) waterfall display for interesting frequencies. "

Simply isn't enough anymore to cut it against modern quiet subs. Especially in a littoral environment.

The job is more like trying to catch and isolate the sounds of a Lexus in the middle of a New York traffic intersection. Figure out why modern subs like the Virginia carry data processing centers.


VIP Professional
Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

Crobato, I'm an old H-3 driver. I know dipping sonar. You apparently know nothing. Ever flown an ASW exercise? Guess not. Even the old equipment in the SH-3 had a passive mode. But you didn't dip until you had a pretty good datum gained from your sonobuoy pattern. It takes some skill to fly a precise pattern over the ocean, carefully laying a pattern of sonobuoys in the water, while your SENSO listens carefully and watches his ( or her! ) waterfall display for interesting frequencies. After you have a good looking datum you or your partner, we worked in pairs, would put the dome in the water for a listen. You could get a bearing this way, and some sense of range from the intensity of the sound. Keep in mind these sonars only had a range of maybe 1 nm, newer sonars used in the MH-60 have far greater ranges ( actual figures are of course classified ) and a depth of some 1400 feet. You would dip several times, tag teaming the sub using passive means only ( though a good sub might hear your downwash on the surface, it would be very reluctant to put the pedal to the metal and run, they know that outrunning two helos is impossible and the resulting racket would draw in more helos like flies to a dung heap ) . So you patiently play the game until the crew thinks they are close enough to "go hammer" and light off the active sonar. Yes this gives the game away but by then it is too late for the sub. Now you have both bearing and range to your datum and your partner is on top streaming the MAD bird. If the MAD gives a positive indication it's topedos away. Btw, Mk-50 is fast enough and deep diving enough to take care of any Russian SSN, even an Akula. I'v been there son, you haven't. Two dipping sonar helos with crews who know their craft and that sub is gone.

Wow, looks like a very old system.

You still have not laid out how your sonobuoys cope with

-changes in temperature, acidity and salinity that creates boundary layers that block off echoes or creates distortions on the echoes.
-working in an environment that has a lot of other background noise. Like having thousands of it.
-When the sub is more than quiet enough to match the background noise.

Your description of this

"while your SENSO listens carefully and watches his ( or her! ) waterfall display for interesting frequencies. "

Simply isn't enough anymore to cut it against modern quiet subs. Especially in a littoral environment.

The job is more like trying to catch and isolate the sounds of a Lexus in the middle of a New York traffic intersection. Figure out why modern subs like the Virginia carry data processing centers.


The Capitalist
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Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

Well you know, if I was responsible for planning China's Power Projection and looking at Carrier solutions, I think I would really want to push the envelope to the maximum.

What seems to matter more than anything else for Power Projection is bases and the difference between even the largest Carrier (a ship that carries a limited range of specially adapted aircraft) and a Base (can land even the largest Land Based Aircraft) is immense, especilly as you put large Amphibeous forces on it as well.

My inclination would be to go the whole hog and design a mobile base that can Motor to the precise location you want it and then sit there for as long as you need it. I also reckon than this would better suit PLA Strategic Planning than simply replicating the USN CVBG model.

Large and very expensive, sure but far more effective in the long run and a leap into the future in line with leapfrogging devlopment, and achieving (the undefined) the goal of being "Mechanized and Modernised" as outlined in the PLA. 2008 review.


The Capitalist
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Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

Well you know, if I was responsible for planning China's Power Projection and looking at Carrier solutions, I think I would really want to push the envelope to the maximum.

What seems to matter more than anything else for Power Projection is bases and the difference between even the largest Carrier (a ship that carries a limited range of specially adapted aircraft) and a Base (can land even the largest Land Based Aircraft) is immense, especilly as you put large Amphibeous forces on it as well.

My inclination would be to go the whole hog and design a mobile base that can Motor to the precise location you want it and then sit there for as long as you need it. I also reckon than this would better suit PLA Strategic Planning than simply replicating the USN CVBG model.

Large and very expensive, sure but far more effective in the long run and a leap into the future in line with leapfrogging devlopment, and achieving (the undefined) the goal of being "Mechanized and Modernised" as outlined in the PLA. 2008 review.


The Capitalist
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Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

Well you know, if I was responsible for planning China's Power Projection and looking at Carrier solutions, I think I would really want to push the envelope to the maximum.

What seems to matter more than anything else for Power Projection is bases and the difference between even the largest Carrier (a ship that carries a limited range of specially adapted aircraft) and a Base (can land even the largest Land Based Aircraft) is immense, especilly as you put large Amphibeous forces on it as well.

My inclination would be to go the whole hog and design a mobile base that can Motor to the precise location you want it and then sit there for as long as you need it. I also reckon than this would better suit PLA Strategic Planning than simply replicating the USN CVBG model.

Large and very expensive, sure but far more effective in the long run and a leap into the future in line with leapfrogging devlopment, and achieving (the undefined) the goal of being "Mechanized and Modernised" as outlined in the PLA. 2008 review.


Lieutenant General
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Re: Future PLAN Carrier Borne Aircraft

Any idea what's this and if it's real or only a concept/study ???



Junior Member
Re: Future PLAN Carrier Borne Aircraft

Basically it's saying that the advantage of this modular design is that by using the same platform the rear end of the modular is easy to be changed for different missions' needs in a short time. So I guess it can save some space in a aircraft carrier by having one or two base platform but several 'mission modulars'.

Obi Wan Russell

Jedi Master
VIP Professional
Re: Su-33 discussion thread

If a thread had already been made regarding the Su-33, the please delete this one or move it.

Since the Chinese Navy is considering Su-33 as its first carrier aircraft, I think it would be good to have a discussion on the capabilities of the Su-33, and how suitable it is to the requirements of the PLAN. I also think it is more appropriate to put the thread here in the Navy section instead of the Air Force section.

It is a large fighter, so its range and weapons load should be decent. However, taking off from a carrier with ski jump instead of catapult may hamper its range and the amount of weapons it can carry. Since it is based on the highly maneuverable Su-27, its agility should be good enough to satisfy the Chinese Navy’s requirements. Since the PLA is already familiar with Su-27, operating and maintaining Su-33 should be relatively easy.

It’s radar/electronics are inferior to the 3rd generation Western and Chinese aircrafts (this becomes obvious if you compare the cockpit of Su-33 to those of F-15 and J-10). Some say that the electronics on the Su-33 is about as advanced as Western electronics from the early 1980’s. Which means the later variants of F-14 would have better electronics than Su-33, and F-14 have already become obsolete by modern western standards.

Su-33 is significantly heavier than Su-27, yet the engines are the same those on the Su-27, the result is an aircraft with relatively low thrust to weight ratio. According to data provided on Wikipedia, Su-33 has thrust to weight ratio of 0.83, while F-4 has 0.89, F-14 has 0.91, F-18E/F has 0.93, J-10 has 0.98, Su-27 has 1.09, F-15 has 1.12, Rafale has 1.13. Lower thrust to weight ratio usually leads to decreased maneuverability and decreased climb rate.

I think unless fitted with highly improved electronics, Su-33 would be only marginally acceptable for PLAN’s requirements. A navy version of J-10 would be a much more capable aircraft than Su-33, at least superior to the current version of Su-33 in service on the Admiral Kuznetsov. The J-10 is smaller so more can be fitted onto a carrier deck. Another alternative is to develop the naval version of J-11B, which would have similar performance to Su-33 but with better radar/electronics and with multi-role capability.

I think it would be unlikely that any service issue versions of the SU-33 for the PLAN would be fitted with the obsolete avionics of previous examples. The first few (ie trials and test examples) may wellhave these systems to allow speedy delivery fro flying training, but China has more advanced avionics which it can install in production examples 'off the shelf'. The airframe of the SU-33 has already been developed for shipboard use, and if the only real drawback is the avionics then it would be significantly cheaper and easier to fit the airframe with more modern systems than to navalise a completely different aircraft. Also, I have long suspected that when the SU-33 airframe was designed, as well as the other noticeable changes for naval use (eg the arrestor hook, canards and folding wings) I suspect provision was made for catapult spools on the underside of the fuselage along with reinforcements to the airframe.

The Soviet Union did give consideration to the use of steam catapults on future carriers in the 70s and 80s before settling on the ski jump launch method, and I suspect as a contingency the aircraft intended for naval use, ie the SU-27K (which became the SU-33) and the Mig -29K were designed to be converted for catapult launches relatively easily. The abortive third Soviet Carrier, Ulyanovsk, was designed with two catapults in the angled deck area in order to address the limitations to the range/payload of STOBAR aircraft. She still had a ski jump bow, but the ramp was to be superstructure rather than integral to the bow itself, suggesting the possibility of replacing it at a later date with a flat foward deck and a pair of catapults.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Future PLAN Carrier Borne Aircraft

Check this flash player out! You can launch different aircraft off an PLAN CV..If yopu don't read Chinese I think you can figure this out..I did..:D

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