Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread
good seeing you, I can totally concur with the busyness in the last few months. And I figure now that the Olympics is over, there will be a lot more excitement here.Thanks Popeye. It's been a very busy election season followed by a very busy...but also very season for me and my family.
Lots of news hitting the air and cyber waves these days and I am glad to finally see some movement.
If the PLAN is serious about the two carriers being built in Shanghai (and it now looks more and more like they are), then I believe it is all the more likely that they will finish and commission the Varyag and use her to prepare for the commissioning of the other two...particularly for training.
Also the new 054A FFG builds in HP and HD are an indication of their kick starting their naval surface combatant production again after a lull for the last 9+ months.
Lots of interesting and exciting things happening.