New Member
Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

I think that the concept is interesting, but I agree with Bd Popeye in that you would want better command and control of the flightdeck. Also, unless the ship has excellent seakeeping qualities, I think that the bridge would be rather wet where you located it...but I'm no naval authourity. I was Army aviation,Smashing stuff Scratch. You're getting ahead of the game, lol.
Here's my catch-up idea, basically an incremental enhancement of conventional thinking with a few original touches:
Anywhere from the 50,000t upwards, nuclear powered and using ski-jumps in order to accomodate the (soon) legacy Su-33, though hopefully with TVC.
The medium/long range SAMs (S-400 "small" is best IMO but whatever) are in VLS between the ski-jumps. There'd be Type-730s and QW-4 SAMs as well (not drawn).
The most obvious feature is the minimalised above-deck structure which houses the secondary 3-D search radar, navigation radars etc. It would also house the small deck-control bridge (no windows on starboard side to reduce RCS). The main navigation bridge is below the ski-jump (the dark band is the windows). Above/behind the bridge under the ski-jumps are the YJ-62 cruise missiles and phased-array fire control radars.
The main radars would be phased arrays which are mounted on the hull and would be similar to those on the Type-52C.
It would also have some SS-N-29 ASW missiles and some Y-7 lightweight torpedoes.