Those are idiots who don't know how to look at details and think all fighters look the same. Here we have a missile that looks exactly like the Klub, a missile which China is known to have purchased. So what one would basically have to be saying is that China took the exterior shape of the missile only and totally gutted the interior. In that case why not just design a brand new missile? China certainly has the technological capability at this point. The YJ-18 looks exactly like the 3M54E from head to toe; not only that, China actually HAS the 3M54E in hand to dissect and work on. Could they have made modifications to it? I have no doubt that they did, just as the J-11B is a close replica of the Su-27 with some improvements in the design. The problem is guessing the extent of the modifications.
Please tell me how Henri knows the range of this missile with reasonable certainty, something which certainly would be a classified piece of information. We have all heard the number "500km" in reference to the YJ-18 (including no doubt Henri), but many people, including people on SDF, have questioned whether this number accurately represents the range of this missile, specifically in its subsonic/supersonic form. While Henri may have better knowledge than most of us, he is certainly not a 'big shrimp'; I tend to think of him as a better information vacuum than the average military enthusiast, but he is certainly not directly connected to the Chinese military industrial complex.