asif iqbal
Lieutenant General
You can probably cram as many helos as you want but that isn't really the point, we are talking about simultaneously operating 3 x Z8 class medium lift helos which can carry say 25 troops
The first solid white line from the aft position is around 22 metres from the back of the vessel, pretty clear cus the Z8 is probably bang on the line or jus behind it, makes sense since its around 23m long
The second line the one in the middle, that is the dashed white one is shorter, around 18 metres from the first solid line, so it can't take a Z8 maybe a Z9 yes no problem
Then the 3rd solid white line is again 22 metres so it can take a Z8, however the 3rd helo the one closest to the hanger can be brought forward easily by 3-5 metres to make the space in the middle to be also ~22m to accommodate a Z8
Main point is that the 3rd helo can be brought forward because there is actually another 10m of space which is unmarked, yeah there's crane on the side but it's not in the way, you would only need to bring the 3rd helo (one closest to the hanger) forward by few metres really, here's a picture from inside the hanger looking out
Another top view
Again I think it's PLAN who is being way to conservative with its operations, there's no question three Z8 can operate off the deck together, that's 75 marines in a single wave

The first solid white line from the aft position is around 22 metres from the back of the vessel, pretty clear cus the Z8 is probably bang on the line or jus behind it, makes sense since its around 23m long
The second line the one in the middle, that is the dashed white one is shorter, around 18 metres from the first solid line, so it can't take a Z8 maybe a Z9 yes no problem
Then the 3rd solid white line is again 22 metres so it can take a Z8, however the 3rd helo the one closest to the hanger can be brought forward easily by 3-5 metres to make the space in the middle to be also ~22m to accommodate a Z8
Main point is that the 3rd helo can be brought forward because there is actually another 10m of space which is unmarked, yeah there's crane on the side but it's not in the way, you would only need to bring the 3rd helo (one closest to the hanger) forward by few metres really, here's a picture from inside the hanger looking out

Another top view

Again I think it's PLAN who is being way to conservative with its operations, there's no question three Z8 can operate off the deck together, that's 75 marines in a single wave