PLAN Aircraft Carrier programme...(Closed)

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bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
The gear's down.. one of two things..a bolter or touch and go. And Chuck is correct could be a wave off.

Great photo!

I miss this..aaaarrrvvv! Some E/A-6B fan must have made this first video.



Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
pops international talk like a pirate day was the 9th of September not today. :p
its amazing how much like a Tomcat that flying shark looks in that shot.

Terran, bd is a pirate, why do you think his MRS. moved him to Cedar Rapides, IOWAAY, and yes gentlemen it is a wave-off or a go-around as land-lubbers call it. The idea is to fly the glideslope down to the deck, with the bird in a very draggy, slow condition, behind the power curve so it has a fairly decent sink rate, with the engine spooled to a fairly decent power setting, then as soon as you get a wave off, its balls to the wall until a positive rate of climb is established, then out of the burner and throttle back. This is just SOP on every approach, lots of wave-offs, because that is the old bacon-saver, when you have that down, then you do touch and goes, again throttles to the wall, immediately back out of the burners once you establish a positive rate of climb, around the patch for another go. Finally when you have it nailed, you get to trap, same drill, as soon as the wheels roll on deck, full burner until that hook snaps you out of the flying business, no trap, your flying again, no sweat, well you are already "drenched" in sweat, so I lied, sue me.

It ain't for no pansy ------ sisters, it don't matter who you are, if you blow your quals you will be flying that cargo plane full of rubber dog crap out of HONG KONG, some girls can play with the big boys, MOST cannot, in fact most of the boys can't play with the big boys.Fact of life, don't doubt me on this! brat


Every new pilot will make several low approaches in landing configuration. First landing procedure you learn is the go around. Followed by some touch and goes. Second procedure to deal with is a bolter, gear down, flaps down, but hook retracted. The final manouver is a full stop landing.


VIP Professional
I have a question about that statement by Zhang Zheng, made a few weeks ago.
Media just reported this:

Senior Captain Zhang Zheng, the commander of the Liaoning, said the carrier was smaller than U.S. aircraft carriers and had a "ski jump"-style ramp at the end of its longest runway.

"We have around 36 airplanes operating on board our ship," he told reporters. "And we are still practicing and doing tests and experiments for the equipment and systems."

My question is this: Is the context of the statement known? Just to whom was that interview given? In which type of media? TV, radio, newspaper journalist? Were the newspeople american, since it happened in Washington?

Was the statement originally in chinese, and the newspeople had a translator? Or did Zheng state it in english and that reported sentence is, actually, a precise quote?


I have a question about that statement by Zhang Zheng, made a few weeks ago.
Media just reported this:

Senior Captain Zhang Zheng, the commander of the Liaoning, said the carrier was smaller than U.S. aircraft carriers and had a "ski jump"-style ramp at the end of its longest runway.

"We have around 36 airplanes operating on board our ship," he told reporters. "And we are still practicing and doing tests and experiments for the equipment and systems."

My question is this: Is the context of the statement known? Just to whom was that interview given? In which type of media? TV, radio, newspaper journalist? Were the newspeople american, since it happened in Washington?

Was the statement originally in chinese, and the newspeople had a translator? Or did Zheng state it in english and that reported sentence is, actually, a precise quote?

I suspect a lost in translation somewhere.


Senior Member
VIP Professional
I have a question about that statement by Zhang Zheng, made a few weeks ago.
Media just reported this:

Senior Captain Zhang Zheng, the commander of the Liaoning, said the carrier was smaller than U.S. aircraft carriers and had a "ski jump"-style ramp at the end of its longest runway.

"We have around 36 airplanes operating on board our ship," he told reporters. "And we are still practicing and doing tests and experiments for the equipment and systems."
suspect, Zheng sad "we will have" ...
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