One way to discriminate is to look at length conversion. Military Factory gives the length as 1000' and convert it to 304.8 meters, which is exact and unlikely for a ship not designed in a country still using old fashioned measures. Military Today has 305 meters, 304.5 meters, so the same size rounded off and not based on some serious source. Global Security gives very wide margins so isn't useful either. Remains Jeff Head with 992' , the only one that doesn't look unlikely. You might pm Jeff to ask how he estimated the dimensions and displacements of Liaoning.I wanted to know what is the tonnage of liaoning. But found out that there are different versions of liaoning´s tonnage. Look at this sites, each with different tonnage:
So, does anyone knows what is liaoning´s true tonnage (standart and full) and what is the best site to get ships tonnage?