I mean expend. you want to quickly get Taiwan to give up without using most of your inventory.
ballistic missiles and cruise missiles are expensive. They can be intercepted. You can't replace them quickly. You can't keep air bases offline with them.
bombs are less expensive and quite numerous. You can even put satellite guidance kits (like LS-6) on dumb bombs and have them glide to the right location. You can even drop 1000 KG bunker busters. H-20 can carry 20 ton of munition and bomb a target. it's a lot harder to recover an air base after 20 ton of destruction vs. few ballistic/cruise missiles. cruise/ballistic missiles are good to exhaust or takeout the air defense of that air base. H-20 is good to actually take it out.
All of this assumes H-20 will be VLO and be available in non trivial numbers. Even if they have 10 H-20s, it would be a pretty bid deal.
going back to the point you made a while ago, I think JPN has more than enough airports to accormodate large quantity of USAF fighters, maybe with a lower sortie but i dont expect them to be grounded for long or largely destroyed on the ground
so USAF will deploy many of its units to the theater