Doubtful. Consider how much economic development and living standards mean to today's PRC government. I don't see how a long or short destructive war would have any short-term benefit to the mainland economy. It would be devastating to the ROC, no question, and perhaps to Shanghai or other economic centra at the east coast if ROC was aggressive enough. But in the end, wouldn't one make as much economic gain as any by just letting the development take its course? AS it is now, the mainland is getting incrreasingly dominant over Taiwan. Remember, even now, and for the past decades, the ROC has been the main investor in Fujian and surrounding provinces. Why would the PRC do anything to alter this?
That only leaves the ROC. They could declare independence and shut off mainland investment and trade. But what would that mean? The world is satisfied because it can invest in both without question. They can both (PRC and ROC) invest in each other. Such an advanced economy is dependent on investment.
I won't add more, as it is simply too political. Cheers (yeah, I stole your suffix, Deino
