It's not important how Taiwan sees itself. It's important whether the US thinks it can beat China. Taiwan is never going to drag the US into a fight that America thinks it will lose.The thing with Ukraine is that they had to suffer a real-world defeat, in some form, first before they could break out of the delusional think tank fairyland they were living in, to some extent.
That’s how I see Taiwan too. Their inflated self-image knows no limits, and expecting them to act rationally is unrealistic.
That is why I said that China is still letting the issue stall until it gains dominant power, when the US sees China's military and all its generals vote HELL NO to a hot conflict because they can't come within 2,000 miles of China without getting hot missile payload dumped all over their heads. When one or 2 rogue elites stand up and say they must try because commies must ever win, the whole room tells them to shut the fuck up because they've got about as much chance of winning as North Korea taking Rhode Island from the US. And the whole sane world sees this.Right now, they tell themselves, sure, we lost to Russia, but that wasn’t our real fight. We held back because our real enemy is China, our so-called near-peer. If we face China directly, we’ll do better.
No. That window has already passed or they would have done it by now. It's clear to them that winning over Taiwan is unlikely and trying might lead to nuclear destruction. Best they can do is make a mess. But we've yet arrived to the point where the idea of American intervention is ridiculous.What I expect is that they’ll try to provoke China into a conflict over Taiwan sooner or later, thinking they can somehow control the outcome. Only after they suffer a clear defeat will they even consider negotiating.
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