Taiwan's eastern side is mountainous and offers very few operational maneuvering opportunities for tanks without the support of engineering weapons, weapons that need constant protection to operate. Access to much of Taiwan's west side is blocked by muddy plains that stretch many kilometers off the coast, and to a country that has more than 200 Patriot PAC-3 launchers (15 batteries) and a dozen more Sky Bow II and III an air strike becomes expensive. An attack against the far north of the island in the Taipei area would quickly turn into urban terrain operations of a type that would likely not produce decisive results quickly, no wonder the Taiwanese army has so many ATGMs and attack helicopters. Similar difficulties would arise with attacks in the southern area between Tainan and Kao-hsiung.
From the perspective of the Chinese military, I think Desert Storm is the model to follow.
Eliminate the Taiwanese Air Force and all the high-altitude SAM systems like the Patriot, which they should be able to do within a week or so. That gives them high-altitude air superiority, which is then translated in overall air superiority and constant surveillance. Smaller Chinese UAVs and UCAVs would monitor everything on the ground and also conduct attacks.
Everyone agrees that the Chinese Air Force will be able to achieve air superiority over Taiwan, and the cost shouldn't be too heavy because the runways and bases in Taiwan will be under near-constant attack.
Then the plan would be to systematically cripple the whole of Taiwan eg. food distribution, water supplies, electricity, internet, phones, vehicle fuel and road networks etc. I expect this would mostly be done in a few days.
At the same time, eliminate the command and control links for the Taiwanese military, and any targets of opportunity that arise.
Literally every radio signal would be tracked and destroyed.
I would expect this phase would last at least 2 weeks.
Whilst Taiwanese defenders may hide until an invasion, if they expose themselves in order to attack, they only get 1 shot before being identified, tracked and destroyed by overhead UCAVs.
I also don't expect to see any air-dropped paratroopers.
Remember that only a thin strip of Eastern Taiwan is inhabited. Call it 20-40km wide.
And if I look back to Normandy, the paratroopers were only dropped within 15km of the coast.
It's far better to insert paratroopers via helicopters flying very close to the ground, and mainland China is less than 200km away.