PLA Strategy in a Taiwan Contingency


The problem with Israel is that they not only want to destroy Gaza's infrastructure but also intend to kill every Gazan. That's the issue, and the Gazans have no choice. As for Taiwanese people, the most likely scenario is that they hide in the mountains for several months and then find that the internet, water, and electricity have been restored. If that's the case, why would they still resist pointlessly in the mountains?
Lol you can’t fit 24 million people in Taiwan’s mountains. They’re mountains, not a duplicate settlements hiding under the brush.


Lieutenant General
Retaliatory nuclear strike is going to be Busan, Yokoyama and Okinawa. There no such thing as tactical nuke, nuclear is nuclear.

No, if the Americans are as far gone as to actually use nukes, China’s response needs to be overwhelmingly disproportionate to snap them back to reality. That means every US military base in Japan gets covered in the retaliatory strikes, but also US soil like Guam and even Hawaii. China should, at the first instance, hold off on nuking SK due to the NK angle, and instead give them and all other hosts of US military bases an ultimatum - get rid of your US bases by a specific time or be added to the target list should there be any further nuclear exchanges.

It is critically important that China demonstrate it has zero hesitation about nuking US soil right back else there will be a dangerously high chance the literal retards in Washington who ordered the first nuke strike will cling to the false hope that China will not dare to nuke US soil and think it’s overseas allies getting nuked is no big deal.


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Didn't seem to be a problem for US in Iraq. They destroyed 90% of Iraqi electricity production.
they don't need to because there are no threat from other nation , no threat of economic warfare aim toward them , no threat of equal military power come and fight them
you better what how they deal with japan at the end of ww2 to understand . at that time they nuked japan twice because they fear doing it normal way gonna be much costly , harder , and gift time for soviet to come in and take their share too
I am sure PLA will uphold their traditions of war acts since the civil war, Korea war, Sino-India war. They had good reputation earned by well treating UN prisoners of war in Korea, unlike the brutal North Koreans.

Acting like Nazi or Khmer Rouge is not PLA way .
uphold moral high ground in the era US and their gang control nearly all english media channel , propagranda radio/tv/social media ?
for what ? look at russia , look at syrian grovernment force
russia tried so hard to limited ukrainian civilian harm compare to other big war > end up being the most bloodthirsty evil ever exist in the eyes of countless uninformed people , even got the nick name orcs
assad syria force being label as evil using chelmical weapon out of thin air
all because US/west propagranda/disinformation

that alone still not yet count the issue of acting humane allow enemy to fight back again you much better , can use more dirty trick again you easier , gift time for US and their gang to gather force then jump you with everything they got both military and economic warfare/sanctions
slow down the war procress , endanger the life of PLA troops much more , skyrocket the war cost , allow many uncertain badluck happen

sorry but i disagree with your point , uphold the moral/righteous is good but only when it come with low cost .
if it come with massive disvantage , heavy cost , allow many uncertain badluck have chance to happen like above
if im in charge i rather become the real nightmare evil to get the job done quick and decisive

the natural of war favor winner not someone get bog-down , every matter/talk will be much more easier to deal with after your side already win and control the place
nobody gonna have the mood to keep support something/someone already lose or no longer exist


they don't need to because there are no threat from other nation , no threat of economic warfare aim toward them , no threat of equal military power come and fight them
you better what how they deal with japan at the end of ww2 to understand . at that time they nuked japan twice because they fear doing it normal way gonna be much costly , harder , and gift time for soviet to come in and take their share too

uphold moral high ground in the era US and their gang control nearly all english media channel , propagranda radio/tv/social media ?
for what ? look at russia , look at syrian grovernment force
russia tried so hard to limited ukrainian civilian harm compare to other big war > end up being the most bloodthirsty evil ever exist in the eyes of countless uninformed people , even got the nick name orcs
assad syria force being label as evil using chelmical weapon out of thin air
all because US/west propagranda/disinformation

that alone still not yet count the issue of acting humane allow enemy to fight back again you much better , can use more dirty trick again you easier , gift time for US and their gang to gather force then jump you with everything they got both military and economic warfare/sanctions
slow down the war procress , endanger the life of PLA troops much more , skyrocket the war cost , allow many uncertain badluck happen

sorry but i disagree with your point , uphold the moral/righteous is good but only when it come with low cost .
if it come with massive disvantage , heavy cost , allow many uncertain badluck have chance to happen like above
if im in charge i rather become the real nightmare evil to get the job done quick and decisive

the natural of war favor winner not someone get bog-down , every matter/talk will be much more easier to deal with after your side already win and control the place
nobody gonna have the mood to keep support something/someone already lose or no longer exist
Thank you for speaking your mind, luckily PLA doesnt act your way.


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Thank you for speaking your mind, luckily PLA doesnt act your way.
im not sure about that
just look at US did at the end of ww2 and vietnam war (using deadly napalm and long lasting chelmical weapon ) and their support for israel right now , those american and westerners alway bla bla bla about muh moral high ground , uphold justice/human right ...etc

but when they face with the choose between humane righteous with heavy cost/uncertain vs brutal to get the job done

they pick the later every single time , i can't even find any example of those "world righteous leader" choice to uphold their own idea and suffer heavy cost

fighting again enemy like that as underdog ...what is point of cling to those useless and harmful idea ?
it basically sleep walk right in to the trap US and their gang used everytime and it worked like a charm every time


Junior Member
Registered Member
im not sure about that
just look at US did at the end of ww2 and vietnam war (using deadly napalm and long lasting chelmical weapon ) and their support for israel right now , those american and westerners alway bla bla bla about muh moral high ground , uphold justice/human right ...etc

but when they face with the choose between humane righteous with heavy cost/uncertain vs brutal to get the job done

they pick the later every single time , i can't even find any example of those "world righteous leader" choice to uphold their own idea and suffer heavy cost

fighting again enemy like that as underdog ...what is point of cling to those useless and harmful idea ?
it basically sleep walk right in to the trap US and their gang used everytime and it worked like a charm every time
US "brutality" lost them Vietnam. They sent bombers all the time into the Vietnamese deep rear, losing many aircraft and in exchange they may have hurt some civilians, but the damage to enemy combatant were minimal. In the end, they couldn't sustain losses and had to cede territory.

Annhilating the enemy is not the same as committing war crimes. In general, war crimes don't benefit the ground situation.

China will hold Taiwan through smart warfare, not the emotional warfare that made America lose most major wars it's been in. That means going for military targets, but on such a comprehensive scale that it leaves no room for escape. Some Taiwanese will be collateral damage, but the goal is annhilating anyone who is a traitor to the country.


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I think the best way to go is to turn up the dial on cross-strait business investment to the max. Encourage Taiwanese businesses to invest in the mainland, give them massive corporation tax breaks. Also invest in Taiwanese sectors as much as the Taiwan government will allow. Almost unilaterally confer a status of special economic zone on Taiwan. This is lay down the foundation for a reunification attempt in the 2030s or 2040s.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
US "brutality" lost them Vietnam. They sent bombers all the time into the Vietnamese deep rear, losing many aircraft and in exchange they may have hurt some civilians, but the damage to enemy combatant were minimal. In the end, they couldn't sustain losses and had to cede territory.

Annhilating the enemy is not the same as committing war crimes. In general, war crimes don't benefit the ground situation.

China will hold Taiwan through smart warfare, not the emotional warfare that made America lose most major wars it's been in. That means going for military targets, but on such a comprehensive scale that it leaves no room for escape. Some Taiwanese will be collateral damage, but the goal is annhilating anyone who is a traitor to the country.
Absolutely agree, after WW2, the importance of civilians has decreased. Hurting civilians is a waste of ammunition.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Absolutely agree, after WW2, the importance of civilians has decreased. Hurting civilians is a waste of ammunition.
Not necessarily so for a country like China that can make so many guided missiles/drones they can match more than 1 to every civilian.

Targeting the integrity of the enemy civilization can be a good way to halt/deter attacks. For example in the event of SK or Japanese aggression against China, China can overmatch their cities them with bombs and stop their warfighting ability.

The issue is when countries start shit they don't have the power to finish, like US in Vietnam, Israel in Palestine and so on.