I really think that military observers in the US are literally all in on SSNs as they realise that due to saturation cheaper fires, mathematics and the overwhelming advantage that land based radars/EW without power output restrictions give to China because of the tyranny of distance their surface fleet/air force just can't defeat China. If SSNs didn't exist then I think most would acknowledge its a wrap.
This is why the 095s are so important. When they come out and the admirals reveal that it's as good as the Virginia there is going to be serious discussions in the US about coming to terms with their inability to prevent AR.
I can't imagine the unbelievable cope we will see from think tanks in 2031 when the 095s have outnumbered/are going to outnumber the Virginias, the Chinese destroyer/warship fleet has more VLS cells and greater tonnage and the PLAAF has at least an equal amount of 5th/6th gens as the US.
At that point how would you justify an intervention when a loss is guaranteed?