PLA Strategy in a Taiwan Contingency


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If the war becomes a war between US and China, then it becomes Great War 3.0. Then China will most likely not Invade Taiwan. It will focus on Defeating US first before spending its energy on a Taiwan invasion.

Instead of invading Taiwan, the focus will be destroying US forces in Okinawa, Guam and eventually invade those places if needed to stop US from using those places as a platform to attack China. For US also, stopping Taiwan invasion will be secondary. The main goal will be destroying China's military capability for good.

Which means striking Chinese forces in Sea, Air and Land and also destroying China's military production capacity, blockading China's trade to force China to capitulate into some kind of humiliating treaty that will curtail China's production. If they sense weakness, they will even hope to cause some kind of internal revolution that leads to CCP being forced out of power by a pro-US government or a civil war that causes China to be broken up into pieces.

China's goal will also be complete withdrawal of US forces from the first island Chain, Forcing some kind of regime change in Japan, Korea, Phillipines to have a pro-China government. Complete end of US influence in those countries followed by Chinese presence will be the larger goal.

If China manages to defeat US and destroy its capability and force them to withdraw only then they will think about invading Taiwan. But I think by then Taiwan will probably surrender without needing invasion. Entire basis of Taiwan's fighting will depends on Western Worship and US backing. If US itself withdraws, Taiwan will lose all will to fight.

So, lets not kid ourselves, this will not be a limited war. It will be a total war.
Such scenario is very unlikely. Specially when both countries are nuclear superpower. What both countries will do is making new nuclear delivery vehicles that can deters the others. And to provoke and lure each others into a proxy war.

Taiwan and Philliphine are US cards to lure China into a proxy war. So I think Beijing has 2 options. Either they eat the bait and strike Taiwan, or to lure US to enter a direct war with another nation. Either way whoever enter the war directly become disadvantage in their geopolitical rivalry.

So what would China do? I think even US has their own Archiles heels. So it is interesting to see what card that China will use to strike US
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Registered Member
If the war becomes a war between US and China, then it becomes Great War 3.0. Then China will most likely not Invade Taiwan. It will focus on Defeating US first before spending its energy on a Taiwan invasion.

Instead of invading Taiwan, the focus will be destroying US forces in Okinawa, Guam and eventually invade those places if needed to stop US from using those places as a platform to attack China. For US also, stopping Taiwan invasion will be secondary. The main goal will be destroying China's military capability for good.

Which means striking Chinese forces in Sea, Air and Land and also destroying China's military production capacity, blockading China's trade to force China to capitulate into some kind of humiliating treaty that will curtail China's production. If they sense weakness, they will even hope to cause some kind of internal revolution that leads to CCP being forced out of power by a pro-US government or a civil war that causes China to be broken up into pieces.

China's goal will also be complete withdrawal of US forces from the first island Chain, Forcing some kind of regime change in Japan, Korea, Phillipines to have a pro-China government. Complete end of US influence in those countries followed by Chinese presence will be the larger goal.

If China manages to defeat US and destroy its capability and force them to withdraw only then they will think about invading Taiwan. But I think by then Taiwan will probably surrender without needing invasion. Entire basis of Taiwan's fighting will depends on Western Worship and US backing. If US itself withdraws, Taiwan will lose all will to fight.

So, lets not kid ourselves, this will not be a limited war. It will be a total war.
Let's not kid ourselves that the US would jump straight into WW3 with China the moment armed reunification begins. The US are some of the biggest cowards. They will never be the first to directly take on a powerful enemy with nukes. They will do what they had always been doing since WWI: let others fight and die to weaken the enemy first before the US steps in. If you have been observing all those American wargames, think tankers, and even military fiction writers. They always have the someone else fight the big bad enemy first. Then the US steps in to support the victims first, and when the enemy has been sufficiently weakened, then only the US finally joins the war to finish the job.

Here is my take on how the US plans for the Taiwan proxy war:
1) Taiwan provokes armed reunification with mainland China. China begins military operations.
2) The US and its allies are gonna throw the mother of all sanctions on China. Freeze China's financial assets in Western banks, and then steal them. The Republicans in particular would love this robbery. Because it means that the US could "cancel" the debt it owes to China by robbing China.
3) The US is gonna demand its allies in the region: Japan, SK, PH, and Australia to become the staging grounds for logistical aid to Taiwan. All will mobilize their navy and air force. They might push China's lines, but would refrain from getting into a direct shootout with China. They all want the Taiwanese separatists to be the ones to die bleeding the Chinese first. They might send mercenaries and volunteers, just like a familiar war we all know.
4) China predictably refrains from shooting at non-Taiwanese forces. The US and its allies will be comfortable to stay out of the war and conduct a de-facto naval blockade on China. Japan and SK will take the biggest risk, since their assets are within the first island chain. While the US and Australia will stay at the periphery of the first island chain to support from behind. In case the big war happens, Japan and SK will bear the brunt of the casualties first, and the more precious (white) American and Australian lives would still be able to stay out of range from the carnage.
5) The US will call on its "trump card" QUAD ally: India, to join forces to blockade China at the Malacca Straits. Not caring that this will also cripple the economies of ASEAN, Japan, and SK.
6) The US assumes that it can sustain a supply chain to Taiwan from the East of the island. They are betting that the Chinese won't recklessly fire on US and ally supply vessels going to Taiwan. The US hopes to supply the Taiwanese Bobas with Harpoons, Patriots, JASSMs, ATACMs, Tomahawks, and whatever weapons that they want to bleed China. Tomahawks in particular will be the Boba's favourite propaganda weapon to launch into mainland China and wreak havoc, while keeping America's hands clean. Bottom line is, no American lives shall be sacrificed if it can be helped.

This is the fictional scenario that the US hopes would play out:
1) The US would assume that the PLA are incompetent idiots who would crumble under the barrage of American Wunderwaffes used by the Taiwanese Bobas. The US would assume that PLAN, PLAAF, and PLA landing force would be severely depleted at this point. Coupled with the economic blockades, the US assumes that China would be on the verge of collapse. At almost no cost for American lives. This is the ideal war for America.
2) Once China is assumed to be on its knees. The US could now directly step in, pushing aside a crippled PLA, the US would do the shock and awe on a vulnerable China that it wet dreams about so much. Bombing a China that is on its knees until China begs the US for an unconditional surrender. The US and its allies would be victorious, and the US only pays the cost with Taiwanese lives and stolen Chinese money.

What I think would most likely happen is this:
1) The PLA are not the incompetent idiots the US and its allies assume them to be. There will be blunders, because it'll be the first time conducting a major high-intensity war. But they will learn from their mistakes very quickly.
2) The PLA will not be reckless and throw its forces like a human wave at Taiwan just for a political show of face. Their strikes on Taiwan will be methodical and calculated. The plan is to cripple the Taiwanese military first. Eliminate the navy, airforce, coastal defences, army, and its command and control. Any amphibious or airborne landings will take its time. There is no need to rush them in needlessly.
3) Any advanced Western weapons sent to Taiwan cannot be used effectively, because most of the Taiwanese military will not be sufficiently trained to use them. And what's stopping China from interdicting the ports of entry for arms sent by the US and its allies?
4) The Taiwanese Boba army will be grinded down while nervously waiting for that dreaded PLA amphibious landing.
5) China's economy will suffer from the mother of all sanctions, but China will go into a wartime economy mode. Most Chinese people will get into patriotic mode. They would bite the bullet and help their motherland to win the war. Traitors will be put to jail, or leave the nation for good. If there is any hint at how fast China can mobilize its economy into wartime mode, remember how China responded to the Covid emergency in Wuhan.
5) Without US or allied intervention, the Taiwan Boba army could be on the verge of crumbling once the PLA is ready to send an invasion force. They could surrender before the PLA arrives, or be routed when the PLA does arrive. Urban warfare would be ugly for both sides, but the PLA would eventually win with air and ISR superiority, and superior training. The DPP leadership could attempt to flee, but with the risk of interception by the PLAAF or PLAN.

Off course the elephant in the room is what if the US and its allies intervene? They could, and it would be WWIII. But it'll will cost them much more in blood and treasure than they will have ever anticipated. More realistically, they will try their hardest to avoid direct intervention and fight from behind Taiwan. The US have thrown many allies under the bus already. It won't have any qualms about throwing Taiwan under the bus. The main US objective in a Taiwan conflict is to give it the excuse to throw the mother of all sanctions at China, blockade China's sea lanes, and steal Chinese money in its banks. Essentially, to stop China's rise without risking American lives. It does sound crippling for China, but if the US does this, it would end the world economy as we know it. China will suffer, but it can still bite the bullet, fully import its raw materials by land, and produce the stuff it needs. The US will pretend to be strong and rich for awhile, but would soon realize that it has cash, but nothing to buy it with. The US can buy raw materials but it doesn't have the means of production to produce common items at scale outside of China. The real economy will eventually destroy the over-leveraged economies of the US and its allies. While China could still limp itself back into recovery.


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Let's not kid ourselves that the US would jump straight into WW3 with China the moment armed reunification begins. The US are some of the biggest cowards. They will never be the first to directly take on a powerful enemy with nukes. They will do what they had always been doing since WWI: let others fight and die to weaken the enemy first before the US steps in. If you have been observing all those American wargames, think tankers, and even military fiction writers. They always have the someone else fight the big bad enemy first. Then the US steps in to support the victims first, and when the enemy has been sufficiently weakened, then only the US finally joins the war to finish the job.

Here is my take on how the US plans for the Taiwan proxy war:
1) Taiwan provokes armed reunification with mainland China. China begins military operations.
2) The US and its allies are gonna throw the mother of all sanctions on China. Freeze China's financial assets in Western banks, and then steal them. The Republicans in particular would love this robbery. Because it means that the US could "cancel" the debt it owes to China by robbing China.
3) The US is gonna demand its allies in the region: Japan, SK, PH, and Australia to become the staging grounds for logistical aid to Taiwan. All will mobilize their navy and air force. They might push China's lines, but would refrain from getting into a direct shootout with China. They all want the Taiwanese separatists to be the ones to die bleeding the Chinese first. They might send mercenaries and volunteers, just like a familiar war we all know.
4) China predictably refrains from shooting at non-Taiwanese forces. The US and its allies will be comfortable to stay out of the war and conduct a de-facto naval blockade on China. Japan and SK will take the biggest risk, since their assets are within the first island chain. While the US and Australia will stay at the periphery of the first island chain to support from behind. In case the big war happens, Japan and SK will bear the brunt of the casualties first, and the more precious (white) American and Australian lives would still be able to stay out of range from the carnage.
5) The US will call on its "trump card" QUAD ally: India, to join forces to blockade China at the Malacca Straits. Not caring that this will also cripple the economies of ASEAN, Japan, and SK.
6) The US assumes that it can sustain a supply chain to Taiwan from the East of the island. They are betting that the Chinese won't recklessly fire on US and ally supply vessels going to Taiwan. The US hopes to supply the Taiwanese Bobas with Harpoons, Patriots, JASSMs, ATACMs, Tomahawks, and whatever weapons that they want to bleed China. Tomahawks in particular will be the Boba's favourite propaganda weapon to launch into mainland China and wreak havoc, while keeping America's hands clean. Bottom line is, no American lives shall be sacrificed if it can be helped.

This is the fictional scenario that the US hopes would play out:
1) The US would assume that the PLA are incompetent idiots who would crumble under the barrage of American Wunderwaffes used by the Taiwanese Bobas. The US would assume that PLAN, PLAAF, and PLA landing force would be severely depleted at this point. Coupled with the economic blockades, the US assumes that China would be on the verge of collapse. At almost no cost for American lives. This is the ideal war for America.
2) Once China is assumed to be on its knees. The US could now directly step in, pushing aside a crippled PLA, the US would do the shock and awe on a vulnerable China that it wet dreams about so much. Bombing a China that is on its knees until China begs the US for an unconditional surrender. The US and its allies would be victorious, and the US only pays the cost with Taiwanese lives and stolen Chinese money.

What I think would most likely happen is this:
1) The PLA are not the incompetent idiots the US and its allies assume them to be. There will be blunders, because it'll be the first time conducting a major high-intensity war. But they will learn from their mistakes very quickly.
2) The PLA will not be reckless and throw its forces like a human wave at Taiwan just for a political show of face. Their strikes on Taiwan will be methodical and calculated. The plan is to cripple the Taiwanese military first. Eliminate the navy, airforce, coastal defences, army, and its command and control. Any amphibious or airborne landings will take its time. There is no need to rush them in needlessly.
3) Any advanced Western weapons sent to Taiwan cannot be used effectively, because most of the Taiwanese military will not be sufficiently trained to use them. And what's stopping China from interdicting the ports of entry for arms sent by the US and its allies?
4) The Taiwanese Boba army will be grinded down while nervously waiting for that dreaded PLA amphibious landing.
5) China's economy will suffer from the mother of all sanctions, but China will go into a wartime economy mode. Most Chinese people will get into patriotic mode. They would bite the bullet and help their motherland to win the war. Traitors will be put to jail, or leave the nation for good. If there is any hint at how fast China can mobilize its economy into wartime mode, remember how China responded to the Covid emergency in Wuhan.
5) Without US or allied intervention, the Taiwan Boba army could be on the verge of crumbling once the PLA is ready to send an invasion force. They could surrender before the PLA arrives, or be routed when the PLA does arrive. Urban warfare would be ugly for both sides, but the PLA would eventually win with air and ISR superiority, and superior training. The DPP leadership could attempt to flee, but with the risk of interception by the PLAAF or PLAN.

Off course the elephant in the room is what if the US and its allies intervene? They could, and it would be WWIII. But it'll will cost them much more in blood and treasure than they will have ever anticipated. More realistically, they will try their hardest to avoid direct intervention and fight from behind Taiwan. The US have thrown many allies under the bus already. It won't have any qualms about throwing Taiwan under the bus. The main US objective in a Taiwan conflict is to give it the excuse to throw the mother of all sanctions at China, blockade China's sea lanes, and steal Chinese money in its banks. Essentially, to stop China's rise without risking American lives. It does sound crippling for China, but if the US does this, it would end the world economy as we know it. China will suffer, but it can still bite the bullet, fully import its raw materials by land, and produce the stuff it needs. The US will pretend to be strong and rich for awhile, but would soon realize that it has cash, but nothing to buy it with. The US can buy raw materials but it doesn't have the means of production to produce common items at scale outside of China. The real economy will eventually destroy the over-leveraged economies of the US and its allies. While China could still limp itself back into recovery.
Why do you think, that US and it's allies would be successful in doing a maritime blockade? And also, that China wouldn't attack their ships and break their blockade?


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I still don't get why the PLA doesn't just plant a metric ton of ELF (extremely low frequency) triggered mine torpedos along the path the USN ships will take? Just plant 10000s of these all around Taiwan seabed. Any ship that is spotted by satellites can be targeted.


Registered Member
Why do you think, that US and it's allies would be successful in doing a maritime blockade? And also, that China wouldn't attack their ships and break their blockade?
I don't think that they would be successful. I think that that is one of their ultimate plans. The US plans to do the same WW2 style naval blockade of China like it did on Imperial Japan. The American media, think tanks, and armchair generals have been repeating that strategy ad nauseam.

Thing is the CPC have seen this thing from miles away. They are not idiots, they assume that the US and its allies would act on this threat. That is why there is that massive naval build up, to prepare for such a thing. That is why the Silk Road was revived, to give China alternative routes, vastly reducing its vulnerability to maritime blockade. That is why the Chinese leadership pursues good relations with Russia. Because like it or not, Russia is the best partner to have for secure overland trade routes of raw materials in case the sea have been blockaded.

The US and its allies might want to start with a soft blockade first, imposing sanctions, denying shipping insurance, trade bans, etc. This kind of de facto blockade could be worked around by China with some effort. But if the US and its allies start to do hard blockades, i.e. interdict shipments to China. Then that gives China the casus belli to attack the navies of the US and its allies who enforce that blockade. The Chinese might not be able to secure every sea-lane. But no matter what type of blockade, the world economy is gonna be screwed. The US and its allies are not gonna last too long when they start losing ships, aircraft, and personnel while their economies start to crumble.
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New Member
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Such scenario is very unlikely. Specially when both countries are nuclear superpower. What both countries will do is making new nuclear delivery vehicles that can deters the others. And to provoke and lure each others into a proxy war.

Taiwan and Philliphine are US cards to lure China into a proxy war. So I think Beijing has 2 options. Either they eat the bait and strike Taiwan, or to lure US to enter a direct war with another nation. Either way whoever enter the war directly become disadvantage in their geopolitical rivalry.

So what would China do? I think even US has their own Archiles heels. So it is interesting to see what card that China will use to strike US
That's a very American way of thinking.
For China there is nothing to gain in taking Taiwan. We can already make 7nm, and our ships has been making a joke of the so called "island chain" over the last few years.
The only war where China can win big is to wipe out the USA from the Westpac. Jap, Koran, AESEAN will all submit and the largest economic region of the world will be under Chinese control, ideally taking Hawaii and part of Alaska as bonus.

War is about what you can gain from it, not emotionalism like muh Taiwan.

Why do you think, that US and it's allies would be successful in doing a maritime blockade? And also, that China wouldn't attack their ships and break their blockade?
maritime blockade = declaration of war. USA can't win a total War against the factory of the world.


Registered Member
I don't think that they would be successful. I think that that is one of their ultimate plans. The US plans to do the same WW2 style naval blockade of China like it did on Imperial Japan. The American media, think tanks, and armchair generals have been repeating that strategy ad nauseam.

Thing is the CPC have seen this thing from miles away. They are not idiots, they assume that the US and its allies would act on this threat. That is why there is that massive naval build up, to prepare for such a thing. That is why the Silk Road was revived, to give China alternative routes, vastly reducing its vulnerability to maritime blockade. That is why the Chinese leadership pursues good relations with Russia. Because like it or not, Russia is the best partner to have for secure overland trade routes of raw materials in case the sea have been blockaded.

The US and its allies might want to start with a soft blockade first, imposing sanctions, denying shipping insurance, trade bans, etc. This kind of de facto blockade could be worked around by China with some effort. But if the US and its allies start to do hard blockades, i.e. interdict shipments to China. Then that gives China the casus belli to attack the navies of the US and its allies who enforce that blockade. The Chinese might not be able to secure every sea-lane. But no matter what type of blockade, the world economy is gonna be screwed. The US and its allies are not gonna last too long when they start losing ships, aircraft, and personnel while their economies start to crumble.
That's not a realistic plan for them, if their goal is to take Taiwan (or even larger claims against China).

There is only 2 true lifelines in China, the northwest-siberia-ME energy route and the north-south China connection, responsible for fueling Chinese industry with resources. No realistic plan can compromise these routes, especially not using naval pressure.

Even if US won every far seas naval battle, China can still sustain itself at near 100% efficiency.

Instead, what US is likely to try if they decide they have to attack, is to seek decisive battle with the PLA, rapidly occupy Taiwan province and hope the Chinese people will lose the willingness to fight.

To deter US attack, China needs to build up numbers (increased recruit and procurement), defenses (increase military patrols/engagement over Taiwan and other parts of the east) and popular willpower (increased preparation of the population to resist).

American leadership is not that popular at home. If there is a prevailing sentiment that invading China will get the US military absolutely thrashed, their leadership will be extremely fearful of engaging.


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That's not a realistic plan for them, if their goal is to take Taiwan (or even larger claims against China).

There is only 2 true lifelines in China, the northwest-siberia-ME energy route and the north-south China connection, responsible for fueling Chinese industry with resources. No realistic plan can compromise these routes, especially not using naval pressure.

Even if US won every far seas naval battle, China can still sustain itself at near 100% efficiency.

Instead, what US is likely to try if they decide they have to attack, is to seek decisive battle with the PLA, rapidly occupy Taiwan province and hope the Chinese people will lose the willingness to fight.

To deter US attack, China needs to build up numbers (increased recruit and procurement), defenses (increase military patrols/engagement over Taiwan and other parts of the east) and popular willpower (increased preparation of the population to resist).

American leadership is not that popular at home. If there is a prevailing sentiment that invading China will get the US military absolutely thrashed, their leadership will be extremely fearful of engaging.
>seek decisive battle with the PLA
Like Japan tried against the US at Pearl Harbour?
You do realize that China can build 3-4 US navy per year right? and those ship will be more modern and advanced by US ships.
There is no way for the US to win a conventional war against China now or in the foreseeable future.


Registered Member
>seek decisive battle with the PLA
Like Japan tried against the US at Pearl Harbour?
You do realize that China can build 3-4 US navy per year right? and those ship will be more modern and advanced by US ships.
There is no way for the US to win a conventional war against China now or in the foreseeable future.
Obviously China isn't gonna give them good chances of invading and taking over a big part of the country. What with China having a larger economy and industry at its disposal, they have a ton of tools to deter and make the country well defended.

But question is, will US still risk it? Imperial Japan also risked 2 front war against China and US, even though their chances were swimmingly low.

And if they do, the only realistic way US can fight is by focusing on a few big engagements, before China mobilizes, and by undermining the Chinese people's morale to continue conflict.


Junior Member
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>seek decisive battle with the PLA
Like Japan tried against the US at Pearl Harbour?
You do realize that China can build 3-4 US navy per year right? and those ship will be more modern and advanced by US ships.
There is no way for the US to win a conventional war against China now or in the foreseeable future.
what biscuits says actually makes sense. Taiwan's defense strategy also seems to be gravitating towards the same approach, which is to destroy PLA's landing capabilities and prevent once and for all landing of ground forces. the logic here is that regardless of what the PLA can do in the air and on the sea, without amphibious ships it cannot land on Taiwan. this will give the US time to deploy its forces and break down PLA's blockade from the outside.

the solution to this, aside from building more ships and bolstering air defense, also includes attacking Penghu and Matsu early on. because it will force the Taiwan coastal defense forces to choose to either engage PLA ships and risk exposing fire positions, or let PLA have those islands easily.