I suggest that our government was intending to affect the vote across the strait instead of a re-unification by force, because military option was blocked by insurmountable financial obstacle.
legend for the picture above:crimson=GDP, red=fiscal revenue, green=military expenditure, orange=ME/FR percentage, blue=ME/GDP percentage, the UoM is 100 million RMB.
From the picture you can see the degree and duration the PLA endured for the reform and opening-up policy. In, 1978 the ME/GDP percentage was 4.6%. Then, it depressed to 2.13% in 1984. 1996 was the nadir, ONLY 1.01%!
You can also verify the data form here:
, the website of the State Council Information Office.
I believe the missile tests and PHIBLEX was demonstration for attitude and stand, which in words dis-respective to the motherland, bluffing...
However, it resulted in hmmm...some sort of accidental(or not?) harvest. The candidate team of separatist's DPP(Peng Mingmin彭明敏 and Xie Changting谢长廷) was leading over in primary election, then, after 4 missile tests, KMT candidate Li Denghui李登辉 who advocated get-tough policy won the final election with overwhelming superiority, 54% to 21%.
Considering the first dirct election of RoC president was not an emergency, our leaders had plenty of time and wisdom to make up a solution to steer the situation towards an acceptable outcome. Was Li's reappointment a result that our government chased on purpose? We will never know until the Central Archives publish those relevant files.
We mainlanders really don't need to care about the performance of politicians in Taiwan. Why? In 2013, RoC's export to PRC was $156.64 billion,import was $40.64 billion, and the GDP of Taiwan was $469.287 billion. The reality was that the trade with PRC occupies 42% of RoC's GDP and Taiwan became the 5th richest province of China, just exceeded by Henan河南. There are only 3 options to the RoC: 1, More trade, along with more communication, result in peaceful reunifying and decades of autonomy. 2(what they are doing underway), block the growth of trade and exchanges to gain some illusion of "democracy". Then, one day in near future, we will have to goto there clean up the mess caused by the economic recession and silly populism someday somehow. 3, Directly violate the Anti-Secession Law, dreaming a 200km-wide strait could be the barrier to world's No.1 shipbuilder and G2 are willing to clash for an outlying island risking Armageddon.