Guam is ~3000 kilometers away from the Chinese coastline.
How to mine the waters around Guam and keep those waters mined and access-denied for US warships and resupply ships effectively during wartime is a big question.
Would sea mines be necessary? Maybe I'm over simplifying the situation, but with China's mix of both commercial and military earth observation satellite constellations that already support revisit times in as little as 10-15 minutes, would it be possible to use ASBMs to target surface combatants with midcourse corrections.
China's Space Program Thread II
The specs for Zhongke's Lijian-3 rocket appears to have been downgraded (1st image) from an earlier presentation (2nd image). The diameter has been cut from 3.6m to 3.35m. Take-off mass has been halved, thrust has been more than halved, and payload capacity has been significantly reduced.
“By the end of this year, we expect to have 138 satellites in the constellation and provide 10-minute global revisit times,” He told state-owned Science and Technology Daily on Thursday.
He said the company expected the second phase of construction to achieve a total of 300 satellites in orbit by 2025, operating as “an all-time, all-weather, space-based monitoring network” offering high-resolution, daily global imaging.