China can go through Myanmar.
And note that China has actually built airfields in Myanmar.
China doesn't have military base in Myanmar
Also, I highly doubt that countries in the Middle East or Africa will allow US bases to be used to attack Chinese ships or territory. Remember that even today, DF-26 class missiles can cover all of the Persian Gulf waters and adjacent oilfields and oil refineries.
And those countries know that:
1. The Chinese economy is approaching 2x the size of the US economy in real terms
2. In terms of manufacturing output, China is more than 2x larger
3. The US Navy says China has 232x the shipbuilding capacity of the US
4. China is their largest trading partner, and this will likely remain true after any conflict ends
I don't think any of those countries can denial the US military from operating in their bases
So please think about what realistically would happen, instead of clinging onto unrealistic scenarios where the US wins.
Unrealistic ? Not even the Chinese leadership think that's an "unrealistic scenario". The threat of trade route cut off by the US has always been the most serious concern in China,for all these years China’s attempt to build self-sufficiency in energy and food,is precisely out of fears that the supply could be blocked by the US. And don't take my word for it,just search Chinese and English language resources online,see if sea line blockade is the biggest threat China faces in a potential conflict with the US