By attributing rightful criticism of the PLAGF/PAP's well documented and demonstrable lack of professionalism to "colonial-era superiority complex" and "arbitrary personal standards", you have only succeeded in displaying a complete ignorance of basic human anatomy and the critical importance of protecting vital organs, as well as the necessity of proper training in obtaining adequate preparedness for when SHTF. In other words, we hurt your feelings by puncturing your delusional bubble. You thought you were showing to the world how cool the PLAGF/PAP is, only to find out that your photos have achieved precisely the opposite effect. Instead of blaming the foreign audience for your embarrassment, you should perhaps consider the possibility that PLAGF/PAP may in fact lack professionalism. You now have two options: stop posting lame and embarrassing images or face continued critique of PLAGF/PAP's lack of professionalism. Rest assured, I will not stop pointing out the lame and unprofessional details shown in the photos you share, because I and others are not here to exalt your beloved PLAGF/PAP.