PLA Small arms


"it took them almost 70 years to learn proper trigger discipline"

In fairness to the PLA, the online consensus (including posts from US veterans) seems to be that even in the US military, trigger discipline wasn't a thing until the 1980s or thereabouts.

(It also took the PLA quite a while to tuck their bootlaces, as I'm sure you know.)

Don't get me started on the bootlaces.


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Arbitrary standards? Do you even know what those words mean? Assuming you do, may I ask whether the internal organs of Chinese soldiers are arranged according to arbitrary standards too? Please tell us what organs occupy their upper thorax and how they are arbitrarily arranged.
Your armchair critique of publicity photos is as irrelevant as demanding dress uniforms in trenches,Is it possible that a bullet could strike this soldier precisely as the photo is being taken?Your persistent attempts to criticize protective gear configurations that don't align with your standards – often through deliberately misrepresented training photos – are nothing but a fabricated narrative suggesting the PLA lacks professional competence in body armor wear procedures, all to feed your colonial-era superiority complex


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For real. There is no way there aren't instructed on this. I wonder if the plate carriers were adjusted with plates in them but are worn without plates in peace time. We also know they have training plates they wear during exercises. I wonder why they don't wear even training plates regularly.
Knees and spine. One of the major reasons why US infantry, combat engineer, or any other combat arms veterans have knee and spinal issues is due to the constant rucking and carrying of heavy weight without recovery and suitable exercises. Those activities and wearing and doing training with plated vests almost 24/7 all bear the same principle: adding weight on top of your body weight. Even wearing a helmet a lot can cause spinal issues.


Your armchair critique of publicity photos is as irrelevant as demanding dress uniforms in trenches,Is it possible that a bullet could strike this soldier precisely as the photo is being taken?Your persistent attempts to criticize protective gear configurations that don't align with your standards – often through deliberately misrepresented training photos – are nothing but a fabricated narrative suggesting the PLA lacks professional competence in body armor wear procedures, all to feed your colonial-era superiority complex

By attributing rightful criticism of the PLAGF/PAP's well documented and demonstrable lack of professionalism to "colonial-era superiority complex" and "arbitrary personal standards", you have only succeeded in displaying a complete ignorance of basic human anatomy and the critical importance of protecting vital organs, as well as the necessity of proper training in obtaining adequate preparedness for when SHTF. In other words, we hurt your feelings by puncturing your delusional bubble. You thought you were showing to the world how cool the PLAGF/PAP is, only to find out that your photos have achieved precisely the opposite effect. Instead of blaming the foreign audience for your embarrassment, you should perhaps consider the possibility that PLAGF/PAP may in fact lack professionalism. You now have two options: stop posting lame and embarrassing images or face continued critique of PLAGF/PAP's lack of professionalism. Rest assured, I will not stop pointing out the lame and unprofessional details shown in the photos you share, because I and others are not here to exalt your beloved PLAGF/PAP.


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If the plate carrier has no plates in it I don't see an issue with wearing them improperly considering that carriers with plates in them ride completely differently. At that point they are basically serving as load carrying equipment. That being said, wearing plate carriers properly with plates would obviously be better.


Junior Member
Some of them do, yes. They must have received specialized training from the few instructors who know how to properly adjust the shoulder straps. The proper wear of vests will take a long time to propagate through the ranks, because it took them almost 70 years to learn proper trigger discipline.
There are absolutely no proof that trigger discipline win wars. Maybe US would have won in Afghanistan if they focused on winning instead of looking good in media.


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By attributing rightful criticism of the PLAGF/PAP's well documented and demonstrable lack of professionalism to "colonial-era superiority complex" and "arbitrary personal standards", you have only succeeded in displaying a complete ignorance of basic human anatomy and the critical importance of protecting vital organs, as well as the necessity of proper training in obtaining adequate preparedness for when SHTF. In other words, we hurt your feelings by puncturing your delusional bubble. You thought you were showing to the world how cool the PLAGF/PAP is, only to find out that your photos have achieved precisely the opposite effect. Instead of blaming the foreign audience for your embarrassment, you should perhaps consider the possibility that PLAGF/PAP may in fact lack professionalism. You now have two options: stop posting lame and embarrassing images or face continued critique of PLAGF/PAP's lack of professionalism. Rest assured, I will not stop pointing out the lame and unprofessional details shown in the photos you share, because I and others are not here to exalt your beloved PLAGF/PAP.
The PLA and PAP have absolutely no obligation to adjust their body armor based on your demands for a staged publicity photo. You attempt to weaponize your so-called 'professional criticism' to fabricate a false narrative that they lack basic knowledge of body armor protocols, while deliberately ignoring overwhelming evidence—including extensive photographic documentation—that proves their adherence to proper wear standards.In the comparative testing conducted under NATO STANAG 2920 standards, the Chinese military's equipment operation proficiency scored 91.3 points, surpassing the NATO alliance average of 87.6 points.


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There are absolutely no proof that trigger discipline win wars. Maybe US would have won in Afghanistan if they focused on winning instead of looking good in media.
It’s part of being a professional soldier and discipline, and discipline is 100% a determining factor in winning battles. I don’t think I need to explain how discipline is important.

As for Afghanistan, this is off topic, but I have to throw in a correction. That war was about COIN, so optics is important. Both the Taliban and US were competing to win the populace’s favor, but the latter didn’t understand a thing about the region’s cultural and intertribal differences.


Grumpy Old Man
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Moderator - World Affairs
It’s part of being a professional soldier and discipline, and discipline is 100% a determining factor in winning battles. I don’t think I need to explain how discipline is important.

As for Afghanistan, this is off topic, but I have to throw in a correction. That war was about COIN, so optics is important. Both the Taliban and US were competing to win the populace’s favor, but the latter didn’t understand a thing about the region’s cultural and intertribal differences.
PLA‘s disciplines for sure are much better than American’s. They at least don’t massacred civilians for fun.


There are absolutely no proof that trigger discipline win wars. Maybe US would have won in Afghanistan if they focused on winning instead of looking good in media.

A very strange argument. I don't think you understand what trigger discipline is. Trigger discipline has to do with firearm safety: keep your finger away from the trigger until you're ready to fire. It's done to prevent accidental discharge of firearms and to avoid accidental injuries and deaths.