PLA Small arms


The PLA and PAP have absolutely no obligation to adjust their body armor based on your demands for a staged publicity photo. You attempt to weaponize your so-called 'professional criticism' to fabricate a false narrative that they lack basic knowledge of body armor protocols, while deliberately ignoring overwhelming evidence—including extensive photographic documentation—that proves their adherence to proper wear standards.In the comparative testing conducted under NATO STANAG 2920 standards, the Chinese military's equipment operation proficiency scored 91.3 points, surpassing the NATO alliance average of 87.6 points.

Do you have a reading comprehension problem? Who's making demands? I hope your maturity level is not representative of the servicemen and women in the Chinese armed forces. Criticism is not the same as making demands, so I'd appreciate it if you could stop erecting
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in bad faith. Furthermore, our criticism is not about the performance of Chinese armor plates; it is about the widely documented practice of wearing vests too low and exposing the upper thorax (where the human heart is) to enemy fire. I don't care how well Chinese armor plates perform according to NATO standards, because they cannot stop bullets from penetrating areas that are left exposed due to improperly worn vests. The fact that you, a former member of the PAP, couldn't understand such a simple point is a poor reflection on the quality of China's ground forces and perhaps doesn't bode well for the ongoing efforts to increase the professionalism of those service branches.

Again, it bears repeating: you have two options. Either stop posting lame and embarrassing photos or face continued criticism of PLAGF/PAP's lack of professionalism. This isn't a Chinese forum where the audience can be counted on to minimize or overlook deficiencies. Sino Defence is an international forum with members from around the world, many of whom are former service members and are very experienced with firearms and personal protective equipment. We are not here to exalt your beloved PLAGF/PAP. Rest assured, I and others will continue to point out the lame and unprofessional details shown in the photos you share. Live with it or stop posting. It really is simple as that.
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"the engineer"
I agree with by78. How the vests are worn or laces are tucked is a matter of habit. Everything in the military is about making the else habits. You think someone that just got plates and worn vests wrong for years is going to suddenly rememeber to put it on properly? And it's a matter of reduced risk to put on the vest properly too. Do you really want to risk getting shot in the thorax and have nothing there?


Junior Member
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To be honest, while everyone dogs on the typical publicity shoot cringe, what's more disappointing is seeing leaked photos/clips and raw B-roll training footage of supposedly "elite" PLA TZ/recce or PAP TJ members displaying training/kit/skillsets inferior to what I see and experience at a conventional infantry unit


Junior Member
Registered Member
Do you have a reading comprehension problem? Who's making demands? I hope your maturity level is not representative of the servicemen and women in the Chinese armed forces. Criticism is not the same as making demands, so I'd appreciate it if you could stop erecting
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in bad faith. Furthermore, our criticism is not about the performance of Chinese armor plates; it is about the widely documented practice of wearing vests too low and exposing the upper thorax (where the human heart is) to enemy fire. I don't care how well Chinese armor plates perform according to NATO standards, because they cannot stop bullets from penetrating areas that are left exposed due to improperly worn vests. The fact that you, a former member of the PAP, couldn't understand such a simple point is a poor reflection on the quality of China's ground forces and perhaps doesn't bode well for the ongoing efforts to increase the professionalism of those service branches.

Again, it bears repeating: you have two options. Either stop posting lame and embarrassing photos or face continued criticism of PLAGF/PAP's lack of professionalism. This isn't a Chinese forum where the audience can be counted on to minimize or overlook deficiencies. Sino Defence is an international forum with members from around the world, many of whom are former service members and are very experienced with firearms and personal protective equipment. We are not here to exalt your beloved PLAGF/PAP. Rest assured, I and others will continue to point out the lame and unprofessional details shown in the photos you share. Live with it or stop posting. It really is simple as that.
If you want him to post less, maybe stop pinging him?


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To be honest, while everyone dogs on the typical publicity shoot cringe, what's more disappointing is seeing leaked photos/clips and raw B-roll training footage of supposedly "elite" PLA TZ/recce or PAP TJ members displaying training/kit/skillsets inferior to what I see and experience at a conventional infantry unit
Can you post a link to some of these channels or accounts with such footage? The Chinese internet is vast and I couldn’t find such footage aside from the officially released ones.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Can you post a link to some of these channels or accounts with such footage? The Chinese internet is vast and I couldn’t find such footage aside from the officially released ones.
Not gonna directly link anything specific, singling them out means less possible future footage anyways. But search for the right stuff on douyin and the algorithm will start showing you veterans/active members posting more than they should pretty quickly. There's twitter accounts that do reposts though, like this
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And fwiw, the original post that sparked all this drama is of a member of the 77th GA TZBD lol (and likely of an elite subunit too, based on the QBZ-95-1 mods and aftermarket high cut)