PLA Small arms


Tyrant King
Correction the first russian shotgun I know of for sure dates to the the late 1970s (KS23) the vast majority dating from the 1990s. By which Russian sino relations were cooling.


Junior Member
In the translated copy of Mao Tse Tung on Guerrilla Warfare I noticed shotguns listed as an alternative if not enough rifles were available. Now this could be a mistranslation for all I know and the translator used the word shotguns to cover a variety of firearms like homemade single shot guns to use existing stores of ammo, Chinese antique guns or blunderbuss type guns. But I also remember this old documentary about the Mao era and saw guys using single shot shotguns to kill birds.

Which was more preferred in China by civilians hunting rifles or shotguns?


Tyrant King
Single barrel and double barrel (coach guns) are not counted against in my last statements, and were widely used in europe first I know of 1820 meaning they were likely established in China. Its highly likely if war talking about shotguns ABC


Senior Member
My family in Shanghai had a shotgun for hunting birds. Had to turn it in to the local police bureau at some point. Now they use air pellet rifles to hunt birds. Air rifles has seen a big resurgence recently in China. Some of their powerful PCP rifles are as powerful as firearms. There are many hobbyist/gun nuts now.


Take some thing away form some one and they want it even more. The lesson of Gun bans and Prohibition.

And a horde of trigger-happy people with guns won't help in anyway, only fatten the coffers of gun merchants and producers...if only you've seen the news of how mainland Chinese settle disputes. Proliferation of firearms in China would drive up the "death by gunshot" statistics, though not enough to make "one-child policy" a history I afraid.

In China, various effective apparatus for civil society is still not fully in place, so if and when disputes can't be settled with RMB, violence is the most likely recourse. Under such environment, gun proliferation would inevitably presented lethal solution as the "faster, cheaper" option...and we all know how much the Chinese love the "faster, cheaper" option.

With active insurgencies in various border regions, easy access to firearms - even if restricted in some provinces - would make things worse via cross-province arms smuggling.
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Tyrant King
.... Let's just agree to disagree as, I happen to have a ban less record an Am not looking to press a Issue that would bring down a first offence.

None of us need to be feeling a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.


Junior Member
Anyone knows where to find info on PLA motars, grenadelaunchers, ATGM etc. ?:confused:
used to be on sinodefence site but has laregely disappeared.:(