PLA Photos & Videos


Junior Member
It is completely idiotic for them to play with fire this way. :(

I suspect there were ordered to so do by their superiors.


Lieutenant General
They must have rehearsed it with a fake one before going "live". Look at how intense and ready each one are and how the next guy knows who's next to receive it.


They must have rehearsed it with a fake one before going "live". Look at how intense and ready each one are and how the next guy knows who's next to receive it.

Even rehearsed, it takes a lot of guts to play a game like this. I personally would not get close to it.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
I think this is how it was done.

A dummy round was passed around the troops...meanwhile a live charge/round was pre-set in the hole. When the dummy round was tossed in the hole someone was standing by to remotely set off the charge. Just my guess.


Lieutenant General
I think this is how it was done.

A dummy round was passed around the troops...meanwhile a live charge/round was pre-set in the hole. When the dummy round was tossed in the hole someone was standing by to remotely set off the charge. Just my guess.

That's a possibility, but there was a fuse smoke going on when they were passing it around and we only saw one explosion. That means the guy that remotely set off the charge has to time it perfectly, therefore to be sure there wasn't a double boom effect. Who knows...but funny to watch though.


Lieutenant General
That's a possibility, but there was a fuse smoke going on when they were passing it around and we only saw one explosion. That means the guy that remotely set off the charge has to time it perfectly, therefore to be sure there wasn't a double boom effect. Who knows...but funny to watch though. was just a package with a bit of fuse attached. Besides, it would be a bit pointless to set a second charge in the hole if they were passing a live round around anyways.

I wonder if this might have been for a film or TV series.

It would be a pointless and ridiculously dangerous thing to do for real, and only something terrible script writers would come up with (you'd hope). Besides, the camera work looks unnatural. There is no shaking or movement, suggesting a fixed camera position, yet there was no visible shaking when the device went off, as you would expect if the camera was just set up on a tripod.

There is no way any officer would allow this as if something happened, he would be for it, and there is just no way ordinary troops could get hold of explosives and leisurely set them off like that and expect to get away with it. Filming it all to leave evidence of what they did would be even more stupid.

If this was real, those guys would have been up on charges so quick, they would not have had time to watch the video themselves never mind upload it onto the internet.


Junior Member
Oh really? In a certain degree you guys are the ones most familiar with PLA's competency, and "ahhh, that's fake" is your observes?

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Get it indirectly from search keywords. The "full version". The thing is, this excercise maybe awesome, maybe terrible, maybe inhuman, but it is real. The PLA have their unique way of excercise on TEAMWORK.


Lieutenant General
Oh really? In a certain degree you guys are the ones most familiar with PLA's competency, and "ahhh, that's fake" is your observes?

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Get it indirectly from search keywords. The "full version". The thing is, this excercise maybe awesome, maybe terrible, maybe inhuman, but it is real. The PLA have their unique way of excercise on TEAMWORK.

It's not the full version because it is quite different in many important ways.

That vid you just posted shows an organised exercise, with an experienced instructor within arms reach to handle the situation if something unexpected happens (as it will) and not a few grunts fooling around as the first Gif suggests.

The hole they were using was also different in that there was no 'ledge' around it, and that is very deliberate so that if someone did actually drop the bomb at a critical moment, someone else could kick the explosive into the hole in less than a second. The number of people involved also helps this as there are no gaps and in most cases if the bomb was dropped, there would be more than one person who could deal with it without having to move from where they were standing.

The fuse of the explosive pack was also set at 30 seconds (unlike the handful of seconds as was in that Gif), and if you watched the vid, you would have noticed that the instructor always stopped the passing around well before the bomb was set to go off, and was within arms reach of the bomb every time just before it was tossed in the hole.

It was undeniably risky, but it was controlled risk, and that is to be expected in any half decent military.

I still think that there is a good chance that that Gif was part of some movie or TV series, perhaps even the new movie about PLA marines that had one of the 054As repainted for (seems like the PLA is taking a page out of the US military's PR playbook and exchanging access to hardware and active duty personnel for favorable portrayment in films and TV). If it was for a movie, it would explain the frantic nature of the passing around as the director probably took some creative license to make the exercise seem far more dangerous for dramatic effect.

The other possibility is that the Gif was of some elite troops making a special demonstration for observing VIPs, but even that would be unlikely imo, as the risks to the commanding officer in charge would be far too great. Having several soldiers blow themselves up in exercise at once is probably already a career wrecking blunder. To do it in front of VIPs will definitely end your career (and that of your superiors) and will probably also result in criminal charges, especially if the degree of danger involved was deliberately and needlessly ramped up to try and impressive some bigwigs.


Junior Member
perhaps even the new movie about PLA marines that had one of the 054As repainted for (seems like the PLA is taking a page out of the US military's PR playbook and exchanging access to hardware and active duty personnel for favorable portrayment in films and TV).

I like this part.

Some PLA excercise is simply hard to explain in "ordinary eveyone else would done it this way", but I simply believe the #888's "risky show off" is a real thing.


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---------- Post added at 04:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:04 PM ----------
