PLA Photos & Videos


Junior Member
Re: Chinese military photos

Popeye, your comment about proper footware makes me wonder about something. What happens when a squad is on a long trek during training and someone sprains their ankle, or worse? How do the teammates react them emotionally? Anger at the soldier?

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Chinese military photos

Geographer, Never been a Grunt.. but I imagine they "soldier on". They don't give up. They take care of their injuried comrade in arms and move on with the mission.


Re: Chinese military photos

technically correct except for the fact that the "4th quad" looks exacly like the other 3 therefore I doubt the bigger guy is one of the siblings :)

:confused::confused: I'm confused by your comments. So the "4th quad" looks exactly like the other 3, but he's not one of the sibliings?

Like I explained above, multiples can look very different. So one cannot guess who those multiples are by simply using the look. The news report may be correct or it may not. They might have made a mistake and claimed an unrelated person as one of the siblings. or the 4th one is one of the siblings, as they mentioned in the news. We simply cannot tell from the look. Please allow me to say it one more time, genetically speaking, multiples CAN look very different if they originate from multiple fertilized eggs. this is possible because a female CAN release more than one egg when ovulating. One good exmaple is having twins of different sex (the so-called dragon-phoenix twins). The fact that one of the twins is male and the other is female is clear evidence that the twins don't share the same genetic information, hence they WILL look different. Of course the same thing can also happen even when both of the tiwns have the same sex. Since both eggs are fertilized independent of each other and by different sperms, the probability of both twins sharing the same genetic info is excatly the same as two brothers or two sisters in the normal sense. This possibility of having multiple fertilized eggs, hence different-looking twins/multiples is increased by orders of magnitude when the person has fertility treatments.


Re: Chinese military photos

:confused::confused: I'm confused by your comments. So the "4th quad" looks exactly like the other 3, but he's not one of the sibliings?

Like I explained above, multiples can look very different. So one cannot guess who those multiples are by simply using the look. The news report may be correct or it may not. They might have made a mistake and claimed an unrelated person as one of the siblings. or the 4th one is one of the siblings, as they mentioned in the news. We simply cannot tell from the look. Please allow me to say it one more time, genetically speaking, multiples CAN look very different if they originate from multiple fertilized eggs. this is possible because a female CAN release more than one egg when ovulating. One good exmaple is having twins of different sex (the so-called dragon-phoenix twins). The fact that one of the twins is male and the other is female is clear evidence that the twins don't share the same genetic information, hence they WILL look different. Of course the same thing can also happen even when both of the tiwns have the same sex. Since both eggs are fertilized independent of each other and by different sperms, the probability of both twins sharing the same genetic info is excatly the same as two brothers or two sisters in the normal sense. This possibility of having multiple fertilized eggs, hence different-looking twins/multiples is increased by orders of magnitude when the person has fertility treatments.
no no no.. i think you got confused instead. I was merely replying to your earlier post where you said the bigger guy could also be one of the siblings since multiple births may not look exactly a like.
I then said while that is certainly possible, I doubt it is in this case because there is also this other guy.. the 5th guy (who is only in the last picture) that I was originally referring to which looks exactly like the other 3 therefore I doubt this big guy whom you are referring to is the 4th quad just as the article did also.
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bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Chinese military photos






In photos taken on December 28, 2010 newly-recruited soldiers of China's paramilitary forces undergo a training session at a military base in Hami, northwest China's Xinjiang region. China's booming economy will underpin the modernisation of its military -- a process Beijing wants to carry out without foreign help, the country's defence minister said in reports.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Chinese military photos






01.07.2011...Recently, the veteran tank drivers of a tank element of an armored regiment under the Shenyang Military Area Command of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army helped new drivers practice such driving movements as climbing snow-covered slope, crossing icy hole and drifting about on icy land, so as to temper and improve the commanding and driving skills of the officers and men in the world of ice and snow.

By Qin Fuliang, Weng Weili and Gu Jiefeng

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Chinese military photos



12.30.2010...In order to meet the requirements of future war and improve the long-range artillery’s strike accuracy and damage performance, a computing institute of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army stationed in southwest China’s Sichuan Province gave full play to its own technical skills and developed a new-type pilotless reconnaissance aircraft jointly with military industrial enterprises.

The new-type pilotless reconnaissance aircraft boasts a high integration of multiple functions including commanding, launching, retrieving and ferrying. The design of “double horizontal tail” aerodynamic configuration is adopted to reduce structure size and enhance flight efficiency. Several tactical indicators of the aircraft have reached the world advanced level.

On December 30,2010, good news came from the testing field that the pilotless reconnaissance aircraft had made a successful trial flight and was retrieved smoothly.

By Yu Jiang and Wang Hui

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Chinese military photos


Recently,the General Logistics Department of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army provided the troop units stationed in the extremely frigid areas with new-type warm boots, so as to enhance the clod-resistance capability of the officers and men. The picture taken on January 7 shows the duty-performing sentinels of a frontier defense regiment are putting on the new-type warm boots.

  By Qiao Tianfu


On January 7, 2011, the “Tiger Company” of a frontier defense regiment under the Shenyang Military Area Command of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army took its troops to an unfamiliar area in the immense forest and snowfield to practice tactics and command, so as to temper the rapid mobile combat capability of its officers and men under frigid conditions and enhance the combat effectiveness of the company. (By Wei Jianshun)


01.12.2011....Various recruit groups under the Chongqing Contingent of the Chinese People’s Armed Police Force (APF) witness the newly-recruited armed policemen’s training in full swing at the very beginning of the New Year. The picture shows that a representative of the recruit groups is reading out a letter on response to challenge. (Photo by Zhang Chunhua)







At the beginning of the New Year, the First Detachment of the Sichuan Contingent of the Chinese People’s Armed Police Force took its special operation members to a complex area in the forest to conduct cold-resistance and tactical coordination drill.
By Wu Shuman and Fu Bo
Translated by China Military Online

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Chinese military photos


The picture taken on January 10 shows the officers and men of the missile brigade are testing the performance of their equipment.

To enable equipment support to adapt to future battlefield, a missile brigade of the air force under the Chengdu Military Area Command of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) stationed in China’s Yunnan Province detailed its equipment maintenance index and realized the support model change of its daily equipment management from the training mould to a brand-new combat mould. Therefore, the brigade was selected as an outstanding unit for equipment management by the PLA Air Force during the 11th Five-Year Plan period.(By Zhang hengping)




Photos taken on January 18, 2011 shows that a field and station of the air force under the Guangzhou Military Area Command of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army is organizing its recruits to hold a joint drill on formation to all-roundly test their training effectiveness. (Photo by Liu Tao and Wang Yang)
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