Depends also on where they are ocated and their local laws.As a commercial publisher, I do not think they can just randomly use images from the internet, and would instead need permission from the picture owner to use it in an article.
Otherwise the picture owner can sue them for breach of IP, so maybe it's not just pure laziness/incompetence but more down to commercial realities.
In most western nation they ave laws similar to wat the press operates under in the US for free/fair use of information for public use as long as it is not specificallybeing used for gain and as long as the owner has not issued a copyright notice with the info,
Anyhow, the ic they used was, as Bltizo stated not only very dated, it was also a CS and not an actual phto in any case, when there are plenty of pics out there that could have been used for publication with the article.
Not that big a deal in any case, my intial pst was simply pointing out that wth the all black pennant numbers, the pic was really dated.