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So Russians finally gave up their only edge
"Russia is helping China develop submarine, aeronautic and missile technologies" FT

"Type 096 SSBN is being developed with support from Russian technology for making its propulsion system more silent, according to US naval researchers" Hopefully 095/096 will be on par with project 545 or even better :)

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I think if it had an element of truth, it would be found from more reliable primary sources.

Probably some level of Russian engagement are in Chinese design and vice versa. Both governments realize cooperation with allies can unlock new design perspectives. But in practice it is not so easy to conduct joint research. If you look at how Russia and China's newest SSNs projects, they all diverge very far from eachother. There is no indication that the 2 countries will ever pursue a joint SSN design.

Russia has also not made some incredible leap in quieting technology that US/China should jump at the chance to discover what they learned. At least nothing public would indicate that the Russians advanced like that.


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The problem with the claims on Russian assistance in submarine development, particularly so for nuclear powered platforms is that it has been thrown around forever as an assertion. Decades at least. And each and every time when you drill down on the sourcing, you end up with Russian naval industry sources indulging in some sort of wishful thinking (especially via interviews or promoting designs they work on) or certain commenters or analysts trying to rationalize certain advances in Chinese submarine design.

The tl;dr is the hard evidence for these claims remains totally absent. This is quite different from making IMO informed and observational comments on obvious similarities in engineering decisions, such as how Type 039A evidently took lessons learned from operating Kilo to heart etc. But in such cases you hardly need to ask Moscow for help, although that doesnt exclude how some assistance may have been (!) provided anyway.