Please post some sort of commentary and critical appraisal or explanation, when posting an article, or link to a tweet, if there is nothing that is immediately obvious as to why it is being posted (e.g.: new pictures).
The vast majority of your posts on the forum are links to tweets or articles, and while they are not actively distracting, they certainly are not representative of use of effort.
This is not a warning, but a friendly reminder.
At the end of the day, threads on SDF (especially in the primary military subforum categories) are not meant to be "repositories of links to articles/tweets of all manner of dubious quality".
I'll try to pull the relevant part.
The article is basically quoting two people and their assessment of PLAN.
To quote the article:
For years, the ships in China’s navy were no match for U.S. naval forces, but the newest surface ships that China is building are “incredibly capable ships,” said Rep. Rob Wittman (R-Va.), who is the ranking member on the House Armed Services Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee and co-chair of Congressional Shipbuilding Caucus.
“They are very intent on replicating the effectiveness of the U.S. aircraft carrier — and, I would argue, the same with other ship classes,” Wittman said. “Although they’re still well behind in submarines, they are doing everything they can to try to build that capability. Their diesel boats, while indeed being diesel boats — you can’t underestimate them. Of course, they are building nuclear submarines also.”
The other voice is one of Timothy Heath, a RAND analyst, who doesn't think much of the PLAN.
“Against the U.S. Navy in most plausible scenarios, the Chinese navy is actually not that big a threat,” Heath told Task & Purpose. “Their surface ships in general are pretty vulnerable, especially to long-range missiles. The U.S. has superior carrier aviation. We have excellent submarine capability. So, we could get at the Chinese navy fairly easily.”
“But, if you’re talking about a straight-up fight in the middle of the Indian Ocean, I think the U.S. Navy would pretty easily defeat almost anything the Chinese navy has,” Heath said.
Article also mentions that in a TW scenario the PLAN would operate within coverage of the anti-ship ballistic missiles.
Doesn't really add much to the conversation, to be honest.