The horse has lef t the barn long time ago. I don't why DW beating a dead horse. China has moved and now own large industrial group that specialize in ICE, Diesel from marine to truck etc with hundred of engine portfolio. Shanxi and Harbin engineering group specialized in large marine diesel
Here is an example of astounding rise of Chinese ECE engine manufacturer with their own intellectual property
Embedded within China's economic miracle is the arguably equally astonishing story of Weichai Power – an organization that has risen from conducting maintenance on steam boats in the 1940's, to powering industry across the world today. While in more recent times we've seen the proliferation of globally recognized technology and internet giants dominate discussion about China's modern economy, Weichai Power's evolution to its present-day market dominance, innovation and growth is ostensibly synchronous with the evolution of China's economy over the past seven decades.
Weichai marine diesel portfolio
Weichai portfolio of engine