imagine a coordinated attack with supersonic cruise missiles (air and sea launched) and IN THE SAME TIME antiship ballistic missiles, add some hypersonic glide vehicles. Very few chances of survival for three carriers
Not the same time, I expect AShBMs to hit first, with air launched conventional AShMs to confirm the kill.
As impressive as that PLA strike package is, it’s not really enough to reliably punch through modern fleet air defences and destroy the fleet.
You don’t want your conventional missiles to arrive at the same time as your AShBMs because modern aegis warships are not going to be troubled by the numbers of incoming missiles and so will still be able to effectively engage your conventional missile strike.
Modern fleets have almost no effective defence against AShBMs, so it will really be down to the accuracy of your missiles on how many hits you score. But I would expect AShBMs to go after the carrier and Tico cruises at a minimum, and probably go after all the Burkes as well, which will massively degrade fleet air defences such that a conventional AShM strike will be overkill for what is left.