I meant the warmongering "hope the Americans/Indians/Australians/Indonesians/whoever" sink the Chinese ships. Immature and childish garbage. If there's ever a war, I hope these pricks are the first to be drafted for cannon fodder. You don't go around idly wishing for war. Unbelievable idiocy.
The same can be said of the ignorant Filipinos egged on by their warmongering politicians whose sons and daughters will never see the light of day in terms of putting their actual lives on the line of duty because most of them are living in the west (U.S. Australia, Canada, U.K.) and like I said before, the only way I see these warmongering and cowardly countries to wake up from their delusions of grandeur is for China to score military victory against U.S. in the S.C.S. if the most unfortunate situation is pressed against her and that no other possible peaceful alternative is available i.e. Taiwan independence.
The only reason or reasons why countries within China’s own periphery are still acting like they can go toe to toe with China solely comes from China's militaries largely untried, untested and lack of combat experience which means lack of any meaningful data to show the effectiveness of this new modern iteration of the P.L.A. While the U.S. couldn't seem to find a single decade out of it's young existence of not being involved in warfare accumulating all those hard won and hard fought "victories."
The PLA must shatter that illusion if it faces itself in a potential kinetic action against the U.S. shattering it's military prestige will do wonders in shutting the f..k up the howling hyenas that couldn't seem to stop hoping and wishing for China's demise. Military victory = hard power plus soft power. All the propaganda b.s. in the world wouldn't mean jack s..t when the only one left standing in the S.C.S. is China. But I hope and wish that it will not come at that point. The lives lost and economic devastation for the whole world is gonna be terrible.