Thanks for the translation as always.
My thoughts...
- Amphib expansion is reasonable and expected. I wonder if any of the 075 production will feature improvements. Total of 8 075s would easily be the world's 2nd largest LHD fleet by a long shot and within spitting range of the USN.
- Continued production of 055, 052D is reasonable, not unexpected, but I wonder how far he is projecting forwards. Specifically, we are all expecting at least an 055A to emerge around 2025 and potentially an 052E depending on what 054B looks like... so I'm not sure how many years forwards he's thinking here.
- Concurrent production of a bunch of new build 054As as well as 054Bs at the same time does make me wonder if 054B is a meaningfully larger ship than 054A (>5k or even >6k tons). After all, simultaneously building two ship classes of similar weight class wouldn't make that much sense imo. OTOH, it might mean that 054B is expected to field so much new additional technology they want a sufficient frigate backup just in case there are delays with 054B. Or both. If 054A production is meant to continue at HP and HD I also wonder where 054B will be done.
- The new build 054As are also interesting, and an additional 20 (!!) 054As is quite a significant development, increasing the current in service fleet by a whopping 2/3rds. I think the 054A really does strike a balance between being blue water capable but also being sufficiently small and cheap to be also very suitable for robust near-waters/regional missions. After all, an 054A is basically as capable as the most capable surface combatant from any navy in southeast asia in service today. But building another 20 054As (that will likely extend production to 2025 at least) also makes me feel like it should feature at least some upgrades from current ships. It's probably too much to expect 054A to be equipped with the UVLS or the new radar intended for 054B, but I feel like the Sea Eagle radar and the overall HHQ-16 SARH fire control system could be upgraded -- if they're really going to commit to a fleet of 50 054As overall then upgrades to the entire class's weapons systems and sensors and FCS should be inevitable, and the PLAN of the early 2020s should have a much more mature MIC to draw upon for the weapons and sensors suite than the PLAN of the mid 2000s when 054A was first produced.
Some sensible improvements might be replacement of Sea Eagle with a new small/medium size AESA (maybe the one intended for the Pakistani 054A/Ps, or similar?), the pursuit of an ARH guided HHQ-16 (they almost definitely won't be quad packing the new 3-5 missile in the 054A's VLS and the HHQ-16 is a large enough missile that with upgrades can become a SAM with 100+ km range, perhaps a worthwhile upgrade for a 50 strong ship fleet which the 054A/Ps will benefit from as well).... and at the very least extension/redesign of the helipad and hangar to accommodate Z-20F.
- The distinct lack of mention of carriers is noted, and seems deliberate. Fair and understandable.
- The mention of 076 is of course useful because, further confirming/entrenching that it is a real project. I don't think we had any lingering doubts, but reconfirmation is always useful given the sort of ship 076 is meant to be and how fast the information about it first came out.
Me thinks that "new" 054A would likely have an extended helo deck for Z-20. That could add extra weight on the ship which could be offset by new engines or reduced hull drag. I have been suspecting 052DL may have upgraded engines as well.
My radar scenarios for the "new" 054A has these possibilities:
1. Use SR2410C from the PN frigates, but note that these frigates are likely to also have a VHF array in the back, like Type 517E. SR2410C is a C-band which can mean reduced range for greater resolution and that's probably why it has to pair with a VHF search radar to give it sensor range. The idea of putting VHF radar is interesting given the revival of this idea with the 052C/D as an anti-stealth radar. It should be noted that the 052 refit added Type 517, the 053H3 refits all kept them, although the 051B refit removed it.
2. Type 382 Sea Eagle replacement with dual sided AESA + Type 364 Sea Gull C replacement with dual sided AESA.
3. Keep Type 382 Sea Eagle, but do Type 364 Sea Gull C replacement with dual sided AESA. Call this the Type 075 style.
4. Do Type 382 Sea Eagle replacement with the dual sided AESA, keep Type 364 Sea Gull C.
HQ-16 likely retained, PLAN seems to like this system very much. It seems reliable and has a high PK, despite lack of range and high bulk.
I am projecting Sea Gull replacement on new block 052DL. The problem of the Type 364 Sea Gull is that it is a 2D radar, and that its replacement is a 3D scanning AESA. Eventually this radar will be part of MLU on all older ships with the Type 364.