Chinese fleet gathering for a six-day exercise in the Yellow Sea from August 29 to September 3rd.
Is it your house? I really like your green tea pot ?
Chinese fleet gathering for a six-day exercise in the Yellow Sea from August 29 to September 3rd.
this is a room of a hotel on Lingshan island.Is it your house? I really like your green tea pot ?
Official retirement of last 2 active type 051 DDG pennant # 165 and 166 was held today.
Next will be type 052, DDG 112 and 113, in about 5 years time. And the lone type 051B DDG 167 Shenzhen will follow in about 10 years time.
2 more pennant #s freed for a possible future 052E or 055A
It's true that they'll be having exercise but in these photos they're out there because of a typhoon... That's why even the not yet commissioned 055s was there.Chinese fleet gathering for a six-day exercise in the Yellow Sea from August 29 to September 3rd.
Apart from some minor mistakes, this article is alright.
whats your name Jimmy? Listen Jimmy or James or 007 or whatever name you are called
this thread is NOT Indian under water capability thread so I dont expect to read anything related to India in this thread
Kindly do not link in these type of topics
now if you have anything to share regarding Chinese naval news I would be happy to read